Video Calls - Tdot

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Staring at the clock on the wall I felt like this shit literally couldn't go slower, I needed to be home before 2:30

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Staring at the clock on the wall I felt like this shit literally couldn't go slower, I needed to be home before 2:30. I know specific ass timin' but if I wasn't home before then I was fucked.

"Alright class, don't forget to turn in the homework tonight. Everything can be found on Canvas, and you're free to go" My professor said breaking my sight off of the clock down to my space putting stuff away.

"Y/N are you running a race or somethin?" Jada asked chuckling

I shook my head, "I gotta be home  for something, and if I don't then I'm screwed" I told her as I grabbed my tote bag and phone

She nodded as we exited the classroom together, "What you got going on?"

I stoped walking and turned towards her, "Listen Jada, I know we classmates and everything but I really gotta go and I don't feel like explaining everything to you" I said

She stood there kinda stunned for a moment because normally I don't mind talking to her, but today was a different day I ain't have time for the shit today. I didn't bother sticking around to see her response, as I left her standing there and made my way out the building and towards the bus.

Once I got on, it didn't take long before I got to my stop and then was able to practically speed walk my ass up the steps. "Yo! Y/N that you?" A voice called out

I groaned, "Goddamn why today?" I asked myself as I turned around to see Bando with a smile on his face

I smiled, "Hey Bando" I said as he gave me a hug

"Whatchu on today? I thought you had class or somethin?" He asked

I chuckled, " I actually just raced outta that bitch, cause I got something goin on at 2:30 that I gotta be at the crib for " I told him

Bando looked down at his phone, "You might wanna run then gang  it's 2" He said

My eyes widened as I looked at him, "Aight Bando, I'll hit you up once I'm done" I told him hugging him quickly before racing through the lobby and up the stairs. Literally fuck the elevator that shit don't ever work anyways.

Pulling out my keys I unlocked the door, closing and locking it behind me as I grabbed my Mac from the bag before throwing it on the couch opposite to where I was going to be sitting down.

I cleared the area, and I was able to login to the VideoChat website setting everything up. After getting everything together, I clicked on the name and waited for the welcome screen and all that bullshit before I could finally see his face.

"Yooooo! My Heart" His voice yelled through the screen

I smiled, "Hi Baby, how are you?" I asked

He smiled, "As good as a Niggah will ever be, in this bitch" He said leaning back

I chuckled, "Y'all did anything yet today?"

Tdot nodded, "Yeah I almost beat this Niggah up for tryna play with me" He said looking next to him

I shook my head, "T , baby I thought we were gonna try and stay outta trouble this week?" I asked chuckling

Tdot smacked his lips shaking his head, "My heart you not listenin' I'm tryna behave these Niggah's just keep testin' me gangsta" He said

Tdot looked next to him, and his demeanor changed, "Bro come in the screen ,and I'll beat ya ass word to my deads" He said

I sighed, "Tdot!" I said trying to get his attention

I couldn't hear whatever the other person was saying ,but I just knew it was pissing him off just by how he was reacting to them. After a minute he shook his head and turned his attention back to the screen. "Feel better now?" I asked

He smacked his lips, "Listen I be havin' to remind these Niggah's how RPT get down, they be thinkin' they could speak bout my girl and bout shit they don't know about like I ain't finna beat they ass" Tdot said loudly

"You're wild you know that" I told him, as I shook my head

Tdot smiled, "Only over you"

I chuckled, "Anyways when did they say we could start comin' in to visit?" I asked

He sighed, "They somethin' bout next week, how was ya class?" He questioned

I shrugged, "I couldn't really pay attention, once I remembered I was gon be able to see you today" I told him

"My heart , you close to graduatin' don't let me stop you" He said

I smacked my lips, "I'm good, and I'm not failing any classes or tests. You on my mind, but I'm still on my grind making sure I don't fail sir" I said to him proudly

Tdot smiled, "That's My Heart"

I nodded, "Watch you're gonna come home soon, and then I'm gonna graduate and you'll be there once I do." I said

Tdot nodded his head, "Of course Imma be there I ain't gon miss that"

"Yo Tdot who that!" Someone asked behind him

He smacked his lips, "Bro here this Niggah come" He said shaking his head

I chuckled as his cellmate Juice appeared in the screen next to him, "Oh snap it's the girl that be on ya walls and shit" He said

Tdot shook his head, "Yo Bro you mind goin' somewhere else? I'm tryna talk to my girl right now" He said looking over to him

Juice nodded, "My bad My heart, have a great day Y/N!" He said quietly into the mic

I chuckled waving goodbye to him, as Tdot just mugged him as he walked away. "You know if he woulda said ya name outloud I woulda been in solitary for a week right" He said raising an eyebrow

"I know you deadass but that's just funny Tdot" I told him laughing

He mugged me, "No the fuck it ain't"

I chuckled, "Anyways what they got y'all doin later?" I asked

He shrugged, "Actually, we supposed to be headin' to the café to eat and then outside again." He said

I nodded, "Kevin Anthony hurry up you got only 1 minute left" Someone said next to him

He turned facing them and nodded, "Aight my heart I love you, you heard" He said

I smiled, "I love you too Tdot, you be safe hear me" I said pointing at him

He chuckled, "I'm always safe" He said

I rolled my eyes, "Right if you say so" I said chuckling

"Aye and don't forget to do ya homework, I know you got some" He said

Smiling I nodded my head, "Aight love you T"

He waved just as the video chat ended, and went back to the Home Screen. I sighed closing my Mac, and laying back against the couch. "Ah shit I did have homework"


Alrighty y'all here's a Tdot one , hope y'all like It I don't really have much to say besides the same ol' speech 😂 I hope y'all have a great day/night , I love y'all dearly and don't forget to : vote, comment/message me, and follow. 🫶🏽

- MelaninJ 🤍

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