Single Mom pt.4 -Dougie B

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<< RECAP >>I laughed," Are you getting jealous of a child Arion"

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<< RECAP >>
I laughed," Are you getting jealous of a child Arion"

Sitting up he readjusted himself shaking his head, "Neva that" He said

Zahir and I finished up eating, and once I collected the plates from the table Dougie took Zahir to get cleaned up and changed as we were going to head down to the park for a little bit. As I was washing the dishes there was a knock at the door, and since both Dougie and Zahir were in the bedroom I dried my hands before going to answer the door.

"Can I-"

The rest of the words weren't able to make it out of my mouth as I stared at the person standing on the other side. "Y/N who's there?" Dougie asked from behind me

When I turned my head to look at him, he held Zahir in his hands. "I want you back "


Staring at him nothing was making its way to the forefront to be let out in a reply. It's been 5 years I haven't seen, I haven't heard , shit I haven't even thought of anything surrounding him.

I could feel Dougie's presence behind me, and I turned to face him. "Imma go put lil man in his room"He said

I nodded my head, and for some reason I thought that maybe he would've vanished but when I saw he was still standing there hands in his pockets I obviously wished for the impossible. "W-What are you doing here?" I stuttered

"I want you back, and I-I'm sorry for leaving you the way I did" He said attempting to reach out

I moved back and when I did I felt Dougie's chest in my back as he placed his hand on my shoulder. When I looked up, the look on his face wasn't a typical Dougie look that I had seen him sporting it was a whole different Dougie.

"Who's you?" He asked

Scoffing Dante looked Dougie up and down, "I should be askin' who you are to be holding my son" He said placing emphasis

Dougie chuckled, "You ain't got no business callin him ya son"

Looking down at me Dante's eyes softened, "He know about me right?" He asked

I shook my head, "No he doesn't"

He closed his eyes , clenching his jaw as he let out a sigh moments later. "I'm his fa-"

"What are you doing here?"I asked

Dante looked past me, and at Dougie before dropping his gaze once again back down to me. "I want you back, and I want us to be a family Y/N. I know what I did was wrong but I'm hopin' you forgive me and let me get to know my son." He said and once again attempted to reach out and touch my hand, except this time Dougie grabbed my hand in his and hugged me to him with the other

"Listen she was my girlfriend way before she became yours" Dante said

Dougie chuckled, "Yeah heavy on the was lil'bro"

The two glared at each other as Dante spoke once again, "Yeah and I made a mistake so I'm tryna fix it, you just gettin in the way now"

I sighed, "How did you even know that I'm here?"

"My Mom's told me she saw you couple times with a lil'boy walkin' to the park, and one of my boys said the same thing"

"Ya people's sound madddd federal y'know that right?" Dougie said

I chuckled shaking my head at him, when I looked back to Dante all that I could do was sigh, "Look I just want to know if I could get to know him? He deserves to know who I am at least"

I shook my head, "No Dante, you don't get to just disappear when you want to and then reappear whenever you feel like it. This is my son, and I'm fine with you doing this shit to me but not to him because he doesn't deserve that at all."

"Y/N I-I had to leave back then I couldn't face you or your dad after-after-"

I chuckled, "After what cheating on me and then lying about already fathering two other kids while we were together?" I said

"Ew you's a real nasty bitch" Dougie muttered

I looked over to him, and he raised his hands up. "My bad someone had to say it"

"Y/N please just listen to me-" He said reaching out to me

Dougie chuckled from behind me, "Yo bro move ya hand before you don't ever get it back" Dougie said stepping closer

Dante glared at Dougie behind me but removed his hand reluctantly, "Listen bro, I'm trynna talk to the mother of my child not whatever or whoever the fuck you are"Dante said strainly

I couldn't tell the look on Dougie's face since he was behind of me, but I'm assuming it wasn't one that held a great expression as the two had like a little mini- stare off with each other prior to Dougie speaking, " You ain't talkin' to the Motha of yo child cause you was never there to be a father in the first place, right now you speakin' to my girl about her child so watch ya fucking mouth . Remember you ain't from here "

In the midst of Dougie's speech he had managed to place me behind him as they continued their staring game and Dougie's entire demeanor changed. It became quiet, and eventually Dante peered around Dougie looking his eyes on mine,"I'll be back to talk eventually"He said

Dougie pushed him back raising his finger into Dante's face, " Niggah you really tryna end ya life today huh?" He questioned

Before Dougie's anger could get the best of him I placed my shaking hand on the middle of his back, I felt as he relaxed into my touch, Dante didn't say anything all I'd heard washis footsteps as they trailed down the hallway and away from the door. Dougie closed the door, and once shut turned around placing his hands on either side of my shoulders, "You alright?"He questioned

Looking up at him I nodded my head and attempted to smile, but one he moved his hand towards my cheek I knew tears were falling and betraying every type of attempt at not letting them fall.

He pulled me towards his chest hugging me, as I began to cry. He let me cry it out until I felt small hands on my leg, and when I looked down and saw Zahir's concerned face. "Mommy? Why are you crying?" He asked

Giving him a small smile I wiped some tears away and bent down to his height, "I'm-um I just needed to for a little bit, are you ready to go to the park?" I asked

Zahir pouted shaking his head, "I don't want to go if you're sad"
I smiled, "Mommy's okay, I promise"

He looked up at Dougie for a moment before looking back at me and giving me a hug, "No more crying, you're a big girl Mommy" Zahir said as he wiped the traitor tears

I chuckled, "Alright I'm done I promise"

As I stood up Dougie gave me another hug, as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "We gon be alright I promise you that"


HEYYYYYYYYY 😏, here's s pt.4 for y'all . I hope y'all have enjoyed it😊 , and there will be another part if y'all would like there to be. Hopefully y'all are having a great day/night and hopefully y'all are doing well. Love y'all dearly and don't forget to vote, comment/message me, and follow love y'all🫶🏽.

- MelaninJ🤍

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