The Quan's pt.3 - OY Quan

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"Y/N tell me this is true" He said

I nodded my head, as he smiled widely and grabbed my head with both of his hands placing a kiss on my lips. "Are these Niggah's on drugs or something? The fuck they just start kissin' in the living room for?" Dee asked confused

When Quan and I pulled away he threw the photo at Dee's face to which Keem out-stretched his hand to grab them before they fell. "Yo!" He yelled

"What? What Niggah just say it" Roscoe said hitting his arm

"She's pregnant again!" Keem Said

I smiled over to them , "Andddd" I said grabbing the box placing it in front of Quan , "This is also for you" I told him

Quan looked down at me and then the box, "It ain't about to jump out at me right?" He asked

I shook my head, "Now why would I put something in a box that's gon jump out at you?" I asked him

Quan shrugged, "Ion know you be doin' weird stuff" He said as he began opening the box. At this point the guys had gotten up from the living room and stood around the counter as Quan opened the box. Keem held Nai-Nai who was to preoccupied in her little toy to even be concerned with what was going on.

As Quan opened the box, there were two shirts. "Shirts?" He asked confused

I nodded, "Yeah you needed new ones" I told him

Quan looked at me confused picking up one of the shirts, " Quan? "  He said confused reading the shirt turning to look at me he raised an eyebrow.

" A shirt with half byname on it?" He said again confused, I chuckled nodding my head. "Yeah I figured you'd need it?" I told him waiting for him to catch on

Quan just shook his head, placed it down picking up the other shirt. "Jr x2?"

Placing both shirts next to each other, he stared at them and I looked at the guys they'd pretty much already clocked it. "Niggah there's no way you're that slow" Keem said

Quan looked dup at him, "Niggah what are you even on, the fuck does Quan jr. x2 even fuckin-YO!"

"Quannnn leave me alone" I whined pushing his hands off of me and attempting to go back to sleep

Of course he didn't listen , and I felt his hands back around me ones more dragging me back towards him in our bed. "Girl y'know betta than anyone I can't leave ya ass alone" He whispered placing a kiss on my neck

I looked up at him, "Sir your son is finally not kicking me, but imma start kickin' you if you don't let me sleep while he's givin' me the time" I said to him

Quan chuckled rubbing my stomach, "Lil'man just showin' you his love forreal"

I shook my head, "He need show me love by gettin' his heavy ass off my bladder" I groaned as I pushed the covers off and sat up

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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