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~TW! THIS STORY WILL HAVE OF COURSE, MURDER, GORE MENTIONING, TRAUMA, AND BITS OF RAPE AND MAYBE SMUT! IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THESE THEN DONT READ! I mean, you clicked on a Creepypasta Fanfic, what do you suspect? unicorns and no trauma?~

they won't shut up...

all the voices in my head won't shut up! they keep telling me to murder and kill! I just want them to shut up for once. all I want is some peace! ever since the only person who loved own sister died in that car crash...ever since she died these fucking voices wouldn't leave me alone!

'maybe if I listen they will shut up...' no! I can't think of that! I can't just fucking murder, someone! that's just stupid! 'but maybe it won't be just someone...' my eyes widen as I slightly smile. 'father!'

but what would Lyla think...she would hate me if she ever saw that I killed our father! 'but he hurt us..he her Lyla...we can save people just by killing him!' and with just that thought...everything that I was about to do seemed worth it...

weird nights (TicciJack)Where stories live. Discover now