Chapter seven

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'sorry that I haven't been updating this story! I have many ideas and I sometimes forget about stories! so yes this story might be written a bit differently than the others! love you all!


it's now near summer. a few months since the incident. I keep having dreams about that demon though. I believe his name is zalgo. well, that's not my business. what matters is the fact that I believe he might kill me.

I can't contact slender because once he sees jack he might either take him away and kill him or make him one of his workers living in his big mansion unlike me then ill be lonely. I will never let anyone take jack away. this is his home and my only friend. if it wasn't for him I would either be dead or lonely. so no matter what he will stay. he doesn't have a choice.

also, fun fact. jack has been going thru some demon puberty lately and has grown taller than me. it's a weird concept since he was done with puberty when he got attacked by the cult but whatever.

lately, I haven't gotten any missions from slender so we've been killing so jack can have something to eat in the fridge. he will cook it most of the time and ask me if I want some. honestly, some of the meals he makes taste pretty good. but for his sake of losing some food, I don't eat some often. but instead ill make toast or a ham sandwich.

but today is different. he's making a special dinner today that he wants me to try. I'm not exactly sure why though but I don't bother asking. he likes cooking so I let him have his fun. so basically right now, I'm cleaning and sharpening our weapons, and he's cooking. I guess we both have our own hobbies.

"dinners ready toby!" jack yelled out and I smiled. "i-ill be th-there in an m-minute!" I yelled back and finished sharpening my axe. I then got up and took my gloves off (so he won't hurt himself) and walked towards the dining room.

man, it was beautiful. there was tater-tot casserole, one of my favorites! and for some reason a cake? "happy birthday toby!" jack said with a smile. I looked up at him confused. "i-it's my bi-birthday?" I questioned. he chuckled and nodded "yup! I'm not really surprised that you forgot. but that's ok!" I looked back at the cake and smiled slightly.

"th-thank you j-jack...this is the f-f-first time an-anyone celebrated m-my birthday" I looked back up at him with a bigger smile. "well, what are you waiting for then? go eat!" he said while waving his hand toward the food. I didn't hesitate and I grabbed a plate and started eating.

'time skip'

I was done eating the casserole and some of the cake. I didn't have to worry about jack eating thankfully because he already ate. "t-thank you j-jack." I looked at him and smiled. "oh that isn't all though." I tilted my head in confusion as he walked away to..grab something? I wasn't really sure what it was but I knew it was something a part of my 'surprise party'.

as jack came walking back he had a tiny present that was covered in dark purple wrapping paper. my favorite color. jack came and sat back down and handed me the present. "here" he said with a wide smile. I looked at him and then down at the present. I carefully grabbed the present and opened it.

there was a small thin black box. I carefully opened the black box and found a kidney-shaped locket. I held it and opened it. it had a photo of me and jack and little Christian in it...I looked up back at jack who was putting on a hatchet-shaped locket.

"I thought if one of us goes missing or even dies then we could have these to keep our memories," he said a bit more quietly. I smiled and put the locket on. "i-i love i-it j-j-jack" he looked up at me and smiled. "I'm glad you do"

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