Chapter one

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~4 years later~

it's been years since I woke up in the forest covered in blood and smoke. I wasn't sure about what happened that night but I soon did figure out that I killed a man and burned a neighborhood.

people that survived and went on the news called me 'ticci toby' or 'Tobias Rodgers' so my guess was that my name was Tobias Rodgers and the 'ticci toby' name was to make fun of me because of my tics disorder.

I might have forgotten most of my memory but im not a fucking idiot that everyone says I am. im 21 years old and I work secretly as a proxy for slender. people have made stupid fanfiction about me. like me being over dramatic and a waffle-loving freak.

I can be over dramatic sometimes yes but that's for fun just to play around with my kills and for being sarcastic. but me being obsessed with waffles? hell no. i use to be ok with waffles but after reading some of those fanfictions...i never touched them again. some fanfictions where good yes but the others wernt.

but anyways, today's 'halloween' and that means stupid teenagers are going to go out to the woods. that just makes my day better just because i can get rid of some stupid people in this world.

i grab my hatchets and i put on my orange goggles and my black and grey striped face mask so no one can see my face so well. 'time for some murder.'

~2 hours later. 11:46 pm~

screams are just music to my ears!

i killed about 34 people tonight. perfect amaout but could always be better! now all i godda do is find more people to ki-


'Ooo! more people are dying? lets check it out!' i thought to myself as i quickly follow where the screaming came from. it was far but not too far away from where i was. i wonder if its one of slender's proxys. that would be fun to meet.

except there wasn't a proxy. there was a ritual? people where wearing blue masks with black eyeholes as they sacrifice a boy my age. im not exactly planning on getting into the problem so instead i climb a tree without the cult seeing me, wich wasn't hard.

it seems that they got rid of his eyes and put hot tar in his eyes. 'poor guy...lets hope he survives and kills these mother fuckers. if he doesn't survive then ill gladly do so myself for the fun of it!' i thought with a bright smile that was hidden under my mask.

after they p[ut what i think was tar in his eyes they all went into a circle around the boy and started chanting some shit. honestly it was real fucking edgy but who am i to judge?

the boys skin turned a white tan to a bluesh grey. his teeth turned sharp as he was screaming in pain and grew many tongues. and within that the cult stopped chanting and released the boy? how stupid are these people.

the boy who was now obviously a demon grabbed the cosest person around him and bit his neck and ripped many flesh off, leaving that person to bleed to death. and within minutes he killed everyone and ate there organs. but it seemed that he mostly ate the kidneys.

'get it i guess.' i thought to myself. they guy took one of the cult members masks that was hiding there face and put it on. the black ooze quickly making it outside of the mask and dripping down on it. pretty cool if you ask me.

the now demon guy looked up at the tree that i was hiding in and flipped me off. "thanks for saving me asshole." he yelled out. i quickly jumped off of the tree, probably sprained my ankle but i wouldn't know for sure.

"well if y-you died then i woul-d have k-k-killed them for you-u. b-but you seemed h-hungry so be hap-py i l-left them-m for y-ou." they guy seemed pissed and tried to tackle me. i effortlessly dodged him and laughed.

"y-you reall-y ne-ed some work o-on t-tackling. come on, i-ill take y-ou to m-my place and ill t-teach you" he tilted his head like a dog. weird but whatever. i started walking towards my cabin and surely enough, the demon boy followed.

"so, w-whats you-r name k-kid" he growled at that. "first of all, im 21, im not a fucking kid." i chuckled. "yeah, ye-eah. y-you have-nt as-werd my questi-on yet" i heard him mumbling behind me but then talked out loud for me to hear. "its jack. and im guessing you're that waffle loving ticci toby?"

i quickly snapped around and grabbed his hoodie and pulled him up to my height sense he's smaller than me. "first of all, i-im not a 'waffle lo-ving ticci toby' im a f-fucking murderur! im not s-sweet and i don't like those disgusting waffle s-shit! im T-tobias Erin Rodgers and ill k-kill you within sec-onds! got that?!" he quickly nodded and i let him go.

"good. now you're even l-lucky that im not taking you to slend-erman and instead of my c-cabin. you don't have to d-deal with anyone in that m-mansion. and no, I've ne-ever been in t-there before so i d-don't know if some of t-those 'creep-ypastas' are real s-so don't ask." i grumbled out as i continued to walk to my cabin.

god he's so lucky i decided to save him instead of letting slender take him and either make him a proxy or even kill him. he better pay me back later too.

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