chapter fifteen

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jacks pov.

'It's been almost 6 months. I can't remember shit. Why? I've tried so hard.

What can I do?
What do I have to do to remember?'

I sigh before I walk to my room and walk to my bed.

'This has been stressing me out sense I saw him..maybe I should take a nap'

I thought to myself as I lay down and slowly go to sleep.

I arrive in a..foresty area? I'm so confused. I know I'm dreaming, but why am I here?

I look around for a bit, until I see the toby dude. He was wearing a coat. Snow was falling down on the ground.

I watch from a distance, then..i see me? It looks like him and I just killed someone.

'This must be a memory' I think to myself. I watch him walk over to me and wipe some blood off my face.

Just watching it made me feel..warm inside. Why?

I watch a bit more. I seem to be chuckling and I pull his face mask off. He was smiling under it.

Then, we kissed..

Everything hit me like a truck.

'Him and I are dating? Is that why we have these lockets?'

Then, I figured it out.

Toby wasn't waking up because of zalgo..

Toby was cursed.

The locket.

Fuck, he needs me.


How can I be this fucking stupid?

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