Chapter four

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we got Christian to my cabin safely.

she was really tired and stressed out and quickly passed out in my arms as we were taking her to the cabin. I let her sleep in my room since the last room I have is definitely not ready for a temporary child to be in it.

I tucked her into the bed and turned off the lights but made sure there was a little night light in there just in case she doesn't like the dark. I mean, I still hate the dark, and im 21. I smile slightly as I watched the little kid sleeping. I closed the door carefully and sat down on the couch by jack who was watching some show.

"h-how can yo-you even w-watch tv?" I questioned he just shrugged. "honestly don't know. all i know that i mostly see in back and white other than when I see blood." "hm" was all I responded with. I turned to the tv, watching some kind of harry potter movie. I can tell it was either the first or second one because it was the beginning of the movie and harry here was at his "home."

Harry was in the middle of getting yelled at by his uncle. I honestly always hated watching things where the kids are in abusive homes. it makes me feel depressed. not like how normal people would though. but like if I was in the same situation as them.

and of course, the memory from earlier comes flooding thru my mind. when the kidnapper guy tried hurting me and Christian, I had some kind of small flashback of a man hurting me and Lyra trying to pull him back, begging him to stop. she seemed to be hurt too though.

sudden memory came flooding back to me... bullies in middle school beating me to a pulp and some raping me to make me seem like a horny slut...memories of father attacking me... Lyra...and mother until he was bored...they all came flooding back....

I was too deep in thoughts and memory that I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "toby? are you ok?" I look at him slightly. he was worried. I lightly shook my head and wiped my tears.

"what's wrong? you know you can tell me, right?" I gripped my hair tightly and looked down. "I...I re-remember...I remember e-everything...from abuse to sex-sexual assault to murder..." I mumbled still trying to process everything.

I was never really the one to cry after me losing my memories but this is all so much to process all at once. hot tears flooded my vision and flowed down my face. jack pulled my face up to look up at him and he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"everything is going to be ok don't have to deal with jackasses like them anymore. you're a free man and you can beat all of their asses if they even try to do something to you, and I will be right beside you to help. I promise."

'i promise.' i hugged him tightly, burrowing my face on his shoulder. he hugged me back without hesitation and rubbed circles on my back. "its ok...everything ok" he whispered in my ear. 'i promise' those words ran thru my head over and over again.

my eyes started getting heavy from crying and the stress I just had to remember. I closed my eyes slowly and relaxed. will he keep that promise or will he lie and break it? well, we will see in a matter of time. I let all my thoughts fade and I let the darkness consume me.

only time will tell if he will keep the promise or break it.

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