Chapter nine

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'First jack pov.' (maybe just for this chapter)

It's been a few months since I moved into the mansion. there's a big gap in my memory. I dont remember how long I've been out after I got sacrificed but all I know is that I now have a weird hatchet locket with a boy. he has brown hair with hassle eyes. he has a slight beard like he hasn't shaved in a bit (I feel like 22-year-old toby would have that) and he has a big gash on the side of his mouth.

I dont know who he is but I can tell he was special to me if I had a locket. and I will say, he's kinda cute. but I can't really say anything until I remember who he is. he has a proxy mark on his neck like time, hoody, kate, and skully but he doesn't live here and none of them know him.

well, that's a problem for later. jeff stole my "mask" today and he ran off into the forest with it. it's not my first and original mask. I lost that when slender took me. but I still need that damn mask back.

so here I am, walking thru the woods to find that 15-year-old jackass and steal my mask back. I've been walking for about an hour and still no sign of jeff. I guess he's back at the mansion hiding. I sighed and turned around. but then I smelled something...blood.

it smelled so good. and it was fresh. I haven't eaten yet today due to jeff so I guess this is the best time to eat since I'm already out here. I turned to where the scent was stronger and followed it. sounds like a dog but, I'm a demon so who the fuck cares.

I followed the scent and it lead me to a man with a multi-colored hoodie who was chopping up some girl to bits. I decided to hide in a tree and watch. so that's what I did. he seemed to be very angry and was wearing some sort of mask. I couldn't tell from this angle what it was but it reminds me of my old one.

after a bit, he moved away and turned around. it was my mask! or was it a new cult member of that cult? I can't risk that. I was going to jump down until I heard him speak. "whos there? I'm not a fucking idiot so just come out and maybe ill spare you, unlike that idiotic fangirl." fangirls? who the hell has fangirls other than almost everyone in the mansion?

"seems like you really arent an idiot tobias." a deep voice came out. the toby guy turned around for a second to see a demon. it wasn't like me though. it was red with eyes everywhere and big horns and sharp teeth. "what the hell do you want!" tobias yelled out while twitching.

"don't get all fussy toby. don't you wanna see jack again?" me? what does this have to do with me? I was confused but it's probably best if I stayed in the tree to watch.

'tobys pov'

jack...I miss him so much...but whatever zalgos planning it's probably not good. "what about jack? you going to fucking murder him in front of me?!" I was furious but zalgo just laughed. "oh no, more like, I kill you in front of him." before I could even make a move he teleported and scratched me in the back then threw me agents the tree. It

its good that I can't feel pain but I can still feel the hot blood pouring and the loss of skin on my back. jacks mask fell off leaving my face exposed. I felt weak. it felt like my body was being forced to lie down. I turned my head to look at zalgo but he was gone.

the next thing I knew was someone jumping down from a tree and kneeling in front of me. before I knew it everything went black.

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