Chapter eleven

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'jacks pov'

I slowly woke up to the sound of screaming. as usual, I could tell it was jeff and jane at it again.
I sighed and slowly got up and stretched. the first thing that came to mind was that proxy guy.
I still have no idea who he is but he had a similar locket to mine but it was a kidney shape instead of mine which was a hatchet.

I looked down at my locket and slowly held it up to look at it better. for some odd reason I never took it off unless I was taking a shower. It feels like my heart is breaking when I do take it off but I never knew why.

I slowly open the locket and looked at the picture one more. and that's when it hit me. that proxy was the same guy in the photo! but who the hell is he? I thought slender said he was some "secret proxy" or something. but, no matter how hard I try to remember him I just couldn't. I need to know who he really is and why he was so important to me before I came here!

I sighed and stood up and calmly walked out of my room. maybe slender knows. he usually knows everything that happened in our past. I mean, he's basically a demon like me but stronger and was born or created like that.

I start walking down the stairs. all I can hear is jane and jeff arguing about....toast?
"you're an absolute idiot to fucking burn the toast!" the black wigged woman said.
"oh, it's my fault? someone fucking turned the knob to fucking 7!" jeff yelled out.
I decided to just block out the yelling and walked quickly to slenders office.

once I got to slenders office I gently knocked. "come in jack" slender spoke. I carefully opened the door to meet slender and the man on his couch who is currently shirtless but with bandages around his chest and stomach.

"you needed something jack?" slender questioned. I cleared my throat and looked up at the faceless man. "yes. I found the proxy and he seemed...familiar, but I haven't figured out who he is. I was wondering if you somehow knew why he seems familiar to me." I carefully left out the locket part because it was unneeded info.

"hmm...the only thing I know is the night I took you to my mansion, toby came running after you when you were passed out. I noticed that you have lost a bit of memory after you got sacrificed so you may have forgotten him" slender said. I was baffled. this guy was running after slender when he found me?

"well...thank you for the information, sir. I guess I have some thinking to do" I mumbled and started walking towards the door. "you indeed do. goodbye jack" slender said. I just nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

so I did know him and he knew me. that's for sure. well, ill ask that toby guy more questions once he wakes up. but until then, I might as well try and remember

'hi! so yes I know the explaining part with slender and jack was shit but Im trying. I hope you guys understand!


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