Chapter twelve

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'tobys POV'

darkness. that's all I saw for a few hours. I could hear though. I was awake but not awake. I couldn't open my eyes but was fully aware of my surroundings. it's hard to explain. but I could hear anything and everything around me.

there were people. I could hear them. One named Jeff I believe was yelling in the hallways. I couldn't make it out but I heard his voice earlier. I think it was when Jack took me to the mansion.

I could barely make out who picked me up after zalgo scratched me but I soon figured out it was Jack. but anyways, I can tell I was in some nursing room from the heart monitor and feeling people texting the blood on my back and after that, bandaging me up. probably to see if I'm a part of zalgos proxies or see who I am. I don't blame them. I mean, I would do the same if I just saw someone carry some random guy into my cabin.

my cabin. I miss my warm cabin. no one could find me there. and yet here I am, not able to wake up and stuck somewhere with slender and his mansion. heh, I'm surprised that slender hasn't killed me off yet. I know I'm not something special to him. I mean, I'm his proxy but still. I mean, might as well when no one knows or remembers who I am probably.

I know Jack doesn't remember. because if he did he would take me back to my cabin and fix me up himself. plus usually, when you become one of the workers of slender you just forget everything most of the time.

I was afraid of that though. I was afraid slender would find him and make him some worker of his sick job. I didn't want him to be stuck with him. I especially didn't want him to forget me..he was my first-ever friend and crush and now I lost him because of fucking slender.

I guess there's never a happy ending to dear old tobias rodgers. forever stuck alone and now probably never able to wake up from this dreadful darkness.
always some bad ending for me. huh?

'hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been very busy plus depressed due to all the stress and pressure that has been on me. ill try to update more! till I can, please enjoy this sorta fill-up chapter!

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