Chapter six

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~weeks later~

poor girl...

she was going to die no matter what...either from that demon or from her kidnapper. I wish I was here though to stop him. even though there was snow outside we managed to bury her and make a gravestone for her.

she was a sweet girl. I knew her for a short time, yes but she was still sweet nonetheless. jack was hungry due to the smell of blood and lucky him, we still had some organs from our other kills. I wasn't going to let him eat her organs.

it's now slowly getting warmer. jack is helping me every time I have a sudden flashback but that never stopped me from working and cleaning. jack helps with cleaning when he notices I'm stressed out and I am more than grateful for that.

he gets me flustered at times by his actions but I ignore it. he's my friend. I shouldn't be feeling anything else for him. I mean, for all I know he could end up like Christian or even my sister so it's only best if I just don't fall for him...

"hey toby, you ok? you seem a bit sad..." I looked up at jack. he had a worried expression on his face. "o-oh yeah i-im fi-fine. just d-deep in th-thought again." I said with a genuine smile. he sighed and sat down on the couch beside me.

"hey, toby.." "hm?" I turned my head to him. he was looking down at his hands and he seemed uneasy. "so...when that..demon person was choking you...what did he mean by 'no one will be able to break this curse you'll be in soon'?"

he looked up at me. I sighed and looked away. "I h-honestly do-don't know...b-but I had a dr-dream t-that day before th-t-then that there was a b-big oak t-tree...there w-was something c-carved in the tr-tree i-in said 'only true love can save you now.' I d-didn't understand then b-but now...I th-think it h-has to deal with t-the curse ill be o-on soon..."

" that true love kiss shit?" I couldn't help but chuckle. "y-yeah I guess. b-but mo-most likely w-wont happen...either n-no one will lo-love me o-or t-they do b-but I w-wont or c-cant." I mumbled a bit at the end.

"why can't you love them?" I sighed a bit shaking. "I'm af-afraid they w-will e-end up l-like Lyra...I wouldn't b-be able to h-handle that..." I dragged my hand thru my hair to try and calm myself down. I hate remembering what happened...I hate that I drove my own mother to suicide because I saved her from our abusive father...everyone I love just dies because of me...

I felt arms around me, pulling me to them. it wasn't hard to tell at all that it was jack. "I understand toby...but it isn't ok to push yourself away from people that you want to can lead to getting them and yourself hurt from trying to do that..."

just hearing jack care about me made my heart melt. he cared about my well being...he cares about how i feel...he's probably the best person I've met in a long time...and ill make sure that he will be ok. i wont let anyone hurt him like they hurt me.

they will die a painful death if so...

~sorry that this chapter is a bit cringe. i had to make something up real quick and it didnt turn out so well like i wanted it to.~

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