chapter thirteen

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Hi guys! Sorry, Ive been extremely busy and my mental was shit. But I'm back now with another chapter! I hope you all like it!

Jacks pov:

It's been a week. A fucking week and that Toby guy hasn't waken up yet. I blame zalgo. He always has some trick up his sleeve.

But, I still don't know much of who he is. I mean, I know him and I have similar lockets and our photo is in mine. I knew he had my mask. But..i can't remember a thing about him.

I wish I did, it would make things so much easier. But I don't. I need to find out who he is.

So, Ive been going and visiting him every day. And that's what Im doing right now. Ive been sitting here for 30 minutes, just thinking.

Who is he? Why is he so important to me before? Why does it feel like my heart splits in 2 when I take of my Lockett?

I look at tobys locket for a moment. It looked like it had some words on it. I, of course, got curious. So, I stood up and got closer before I gently walk closer and look at the Lockett.

"If a true love kiss break snow whites curse, then imagine what true love itself can do."

That was one of the cheesiest things I've ever read. Yet, it was sweet. It was a small but cute reference.

I chuckled to myself then I let go of the locket and I step back. I felt hungry, so, I left to go get some organs.

Maybe soon, I'll find out who he is to me.

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