Chapter two

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I swear to zalgo if this child doesn't take his dirty-ass shoes off my clean carpets I will take him too slender and he will have to deal with him!

basically, we got to my cabin and jack refused to take off his muddy ass shoes even though I cleaned the carpets a few hours ago! zalgo, help me right now so I won't fucking chop his head off!

"l-listen kid-" "jack." "yeah, jack, whatev-er. just f-fucking take yo-ur shoes o-off before ill f-finish the job of what I'm g-guessing that cult a-almost did!" jack sighed and finally took his damn shoes off by the front door.

"thank you. n-now ill let y-you sleep in th-e guest be-droom for n-now. and since it w-will now be your ro-om will be like a mo-ther and tell y-you to fuckin-g clean it or e-else everything on the grou-nd will be thro-wn away, inc-luding clothes." he nodded and I showed him where his room is.

"I'm i-in the roo-m at the end of t-the hallw-way on the l-left if you n-need an-ything. and i-if you hear sc-creams then just ignore it. it's probably m-me taking s-someone in here to t-torture and shit like that." "why the hell would you torture people?" I chuckled at his response. "so I c-can get info a-and if the-ey're jackas-ses then they can die a slow death."

he nodded and then opened the guest room. it was a neat room, it was a dark ocean blue with red comforters on the bed, the dressers were a light green and there were many things sea-related. "sorry for the sea t-heme, you can, of c-course, change it t-to what yo-u like, my g-guess is you wi-ill be here for a w-while."

he nodded once again and looked around the area. "if you get h-urt or anything I can he-lp, Im good at bandag-ing and stitching s-since I always lived alone." "and how long have you been living alone" jack questioned. "hmm...w-well ever since I w-woke up in the woods whe-n I supposably k-killed my father and burned up a neig-hborhood. so that would be 4 y-years at least."

"wait, you don't remember what happened before that?" jack questioned. "o-only t-tiny bits. l-like wh-hen I saw s-slenderman w-watching me wh-en m-my sister was ta-king m-e somewh-ere for my birthday. I s-screamed...a-and she died."

"wait, it wasn't a drunk driver?" "h-hell no! t-they w-wouldnt let me s-say it w-was that j-jackass s-slenderman! t-they m-ade me lie!"

there was silence...a very...uncomfortable silence...

I broke the silence and sighed. "get s-some rest. i-im go-oing to train y-you tom-morrow." I told him and walked off to my room. I opened a door, leading to my purple-walled room filled with nothing other than a bed, dresser, and a hammock. I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

I needed a long-needed sleep.

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