Chapter five

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~you will need to use google translate from now on when there speaking in different languages!~

'there was a big oak tree right in front of me

everything was dark other than the big oak tree.

there seems to be carved weighting on the tree.

curiosity got the best of me as I walked closer to the tree.

the carving on the tree was words. one in german and not English

"Nur wahre Liebe kann dich jetzt retten" was written on the tree.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I wonder to myself.

I turn around to see a big demon-like monster with 2 glowing orange eyes and multiple mouths.

"no one can save you now toby. no one will be able to save you" the monster spoke with a deep voice that could shake the floor.

he raised his arm and swung it down, trying to slash me.'

I quickly woke up and sat up, covered in sweat. I looked around my surroundings and I was in a sea-themed room. jacks room. I was in jacks room. I guess after last night's remembering really got me tired out.

I sighed as I got off the bed and walked to the door and out of the room. I could hear giggling coming from the kitchen. I walked thru the hallway and into the living room, seeing jack and Christian making food. it was honestly a cute sight to watch.

"ok, now we just need to wait for them to fully cook! thank you for your help Christian, you're an amazing cook!" jack smiled and Christian giggled and hugged his waist. "w-what ar-are you guy making?" jack turned his head to see me and smiled a bit.

"Christian wanted to make some cupcakes so we made some. it was a messy experience." jack chuckled. "y-you better have n-not br-broke anything" I teased as I walked into the kitchen to them both.

"Wir hatten so viel Spaß!" Christian smiled, taking in german but using American sign language to communicate. "Nun, bist du nicht schlau im Umgang mit Gebärdensprache?" I said and she chuckled. 'hey, how about you go and watch some tv' jack signed to Christian. she nodded and ran to the living room.

"w-well ho-how about t-that," I smiled as I watch Christian run out of the kitchen. I could tell she will become an amazing person and help people, unlike me who just murders for fun. "toby, we need to go grocery shopping." "again? awh man! I hate grocery shopping!" I groaned and jack laughed at my misery.

"well you know I would do it if I didn't look like a monster." I sighed. "j-jack you're not a fucking m-m-moster. you're an h-human eating d-de-demon." jack chuckled once again. "same difference. now come on, that bitch from yesterday had some good cash on him so that would be enough for groceries" I sighed and nodded.

"fine, bu-but I'm buying sh-shit for my homemade n-noodles! I haven't had that i-in a long t-t-time!" he nodded and handed me the money and I grabbed the car keys to the truck I stole and started walking away. "have fun tobes." he yelled out as I was about to walk out the door. "yeah, yeah!"

I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me. I walked to the truck and jumped into it, starting it and driving off. God, let's hope I don't have to steal another car this time.

~about an hour and a half later~

thank the fucking lord everyone in Walmart is a moron! I walked in, looking like my normal self and no one gave a shit other than one Karen thinking I was a cosplayer and started harassing me. well, thankfully I have that excuse if anyone questions me about how I look.

and of course, it has to be half our drive there and back to my cabin. i got there fastly even though it was snowing up a storm. I turned the truck off and grabbed all of the groceries and walked inside the cabin to meet face-to-face with the demon in my dream jack was trying to help Christian from bleeding to death.

I dropped everything and quickly grabbed my axe as I ran towards the demon. "y-you fucker!" I yelled out at him and he just laughed. I cut his arm with my axe, leaving a huge cut. he didn't even react to it though. at this point, I knew I was fucked.

he grabbed me by my throat before I can even run back and make another attack on him and he rosed me far up from the ground. "look here, it looks like Ticci Toby is done for!" he laughed as I struggled to free myself from his grip.

"let him go!" jack yelled at him. but he didn't budge. I felt myself losing oxygen in his grip. I knew at this rate I was about to pass out. "remember this toby." he grinned evilly. "no one will be able to break this curse you'll be in soon" and he disappeared, leaving me falling in the air, and landing on the hardwood floor.

I couldn't feel pain sure but suffocating is probably the closest ill get to the physical pain I can feel. I was coughing and gasping for air. jack quickly ran to me and held me up to make sure I was ok. "i-is Ch-Christian ok?..." I said a bit under a mumble.

He looked slightly down and shook his head. "she couldn't make it... she was basically dead when you walked in..." she's dead...that fucking asshole will pay for breaking into my house and trying to hurt everyone and managing to kill Christian!

ill find him and kill him. and ill make sure ill have fun with it too.

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