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Hello welcome !
I'm happy to be posting my first Jakehoon fic here, I will keep this community alive ):: I miss them sm. I hope you enjoy <3


Bright rays of sun shone over Jake as he placed the last box of his belongings into his mother's car. Well, the last that would fit today. Stretching his limbs in relief from the straining of moving boxes to and fro all morning. He was glad most of his things for now were packed and ready. He could always come back if there was something important that suddenly slipped his mind. He figured he would have everything moved by tomorrow night.
He wasn't bringing much with him, he wasn't sure how much to bring. It was his first time moving out after all. That was already difficult enough to grasp.

The nerve wrecking reality that he would no longer be living in his home of 3 years set in. Jake wasn't fond of changes. He wasn't fond of moving from his comfy hometown back in Australia to an entirely new country, continent, where he could hardly speak the language. Having to relearn a culture from scratch and adapt to everything from weather, people, everyday life and language was hard.

Now here he was, making a new change again, turning back to his house for the last 3 years, getting ready to move away from his parents for the first time. Let alone, moving in with someone he had never even met! It would be impossible to be able to live alone in this economy, Jake certainly didn't earn enough to fend for himself. Refusing help from his parents, he didn't want to be known as the rich boy who got everything from them.

"I don't need your money! My job provides enough."

And well, that wasn't the only reason he didn't want to live alone. The Australian was very aware of his high anxiety of being alone, the irrational fear that something tragic may happen or a bad accident when he was by himself. With no one to support or help him. No, no, he had no tragic incident happen, because that's what his phobia was, irrational. It was completely irrational to have a severe, anxiety-building fear that someone was going to break into his house at night, or that he may fall in a fatal way with no one to help. The panic attacks he would endure when he realised he was alone in his house. Completely irrational! Jake knew full well that there was nothing to fear, but due to the disorder he couldn't help the anxiety. He could never seem to get over the fear.

After sessions and evaluations from his therapist on the issue, he was diagnosed with autophobia, also known as monophobia. The extreme fear of being left alone, physically or mentally. For the Aussie, it was both. It causes him to obsess over being alone and what could happen while he was alone.
Jake sighed running a hand through his dyed, honey, blonde hair as he reminded himself on what he knew about this future roommate to soothe his nerves.

He wasn't a complete stranger, they had mutual friends and connections. He had learnt the boy was named Sunghoon. Jake's best friend, Jay, assured him that Sunghoon was a relaxed and nice guy. Sharing a course with said male. However did also warn he was pretty icy and awkward at first. The Aussie always questioned what he meant by icy, he assumed it was just Jay being his usual over complex self. He would soon figure it out, as he would be meeting the said 'icy' guy today.

They had exchanged numbers through Jay, and spoke on their plans about moving out for a fresh start, arranging money and housing plans. Both not having much issues with living together due to the mutual friend group. It was better than a complete stranger who they knew nothing about. The two had visited the small apartment on different occasions, never having the time to match up.

Jake didn't have much of a problem with that, while being known as a social butterfly, he too was pretty shy and awkward at first. It soothed his anxiety that their meeting had gotten postponed. He was praying to every god above that his irrational phobia didn't make much of an issue living with someone new. He had no idea how his mind was going to react or how he'd cope, but he was sure he'd figure it out! It's better to stay optimistic rather than wasting time overthinking.

He sighed, finally turning to the car and getting in the drivers seat. The apartment wasn't too far away, but still a boring drive. He had never been fond of driving either, hence why he didn't own a car himself. As the journey began he became increasingly anxious of meeting Sunghoon for the first time, hoping he was as nice and relaxed as Jay and Heeseung had told him. Tapping his fingers over the steering wheel in a random rhythm as he drove through the busy streets.

Autophobia || Jakehoon Where stories live. Discover now