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Movie nights every now and again seemed to become the regular between the roommates. Somehow finding themselves flushed against eachother as they watch the screen infront of them, making random comments or jokes about the show. A lot of the time they seemed to fall engrossed into the movie. Jake definitely being the more vocal one as he expresses his anger, sadness or happiness at certain characters actions. Flailing his arms which resulted in Sunghoon being hit one too many times for his liking. Each time Jake apologised, it was clearly very insincere as he would be holding back his laugh. But it was the words that mattered not the actions! Hold on-

Anyway, per usual routine, the pair were sat on the couch. The blonde leaning onto his friends shoulder, while Sunghoon had an arm wrapped round his neck. The elder's mind was currently distracted, as the words from Jay he heard previously rattled in his mind. It was weird to think that Sunghoon wasn't touchy with anyone else like this, Jay sure seemed mind boggled. The two had acted like this between one another practically since they met. Furrowing his eyebrows, the sound from the movie had now completely blurred out into the background.

He assumed the other just had a change in heart! Everyone can adapt after all, it only seemed natural as Jake was a touchy person. He was probably just catering to him, Sunghoon was a selfless guy after all. Yet now he thought back, the previous two times the pair had been round their friends, he was never affectionate unlike himself. Brushing it off once again, he probably just never had the opportunity to!

Oh how oblivious he was.

Trying to focus back on the movie, Jake now had absolutely no idea what was going on as he shifted a little. He wasn't enjoying this much anymore, there wasn't enough fast scenes to be stimulating his brain to focus. Accepting that he was utterly lost, Jake's eyes darted around the living room.

He really liked how it looked, the colours of everything was pleasing to look at it as they blended nicely together. He felt even more thankful to have his roommate all of a sudden. While in his mind, he looked over to the mentioned male, face sternly concentrated on the TV. Jake assumed something important was happening yet had no care in the world as he stared at the more amusing sight.

While examining Sunghoon's sharp features, his eyes naturally fell down to his plush lips. They were full and pink, much like the rest of his face, they were perfect too. They seemed soft, much contrasting to Jake's own chapped ones due to his bad habit of continuously biting on them. As he stared in a daze, the sudden urge to kiss him overcame Jake's mind. He hated to admit, but he had definitely had that thought before. It wasn't his fault his roommate was godly attractive, it was only natural. He thought. He hoped it was natural. Maybe it definitely wasn't- Pink painted his face again, trying to rid his mind of the stupid thoughts. The hell was he thinking of kissing his friend!?

However, realising that Sunghoon was indeed right next to him, he caught onto the piercing gaze from the boy beside him, feeling holes being drilled into his face, he turned his eyes to Jake. Said male immediately looked away, cheeks flushed completely red. He felt that if they got any hotter you'd practically see steam coming from them. It was obvious to Sunghoon's amusement that he was flustered.

Great now I just got caught staring, how fun!

The feeling of eyes on him still remained as he glared with a new found passion at the TV, not daring to spare an eye at Sunghoon for the rest of the night. After a few seconds, he heard a subtle chuckle next to him, he could practically hear the shit eating grin across his roommate's lips. He couldn't feel more embarrassed then right at that moment, heart beating loudly. Mentally preparing for the bombardments of teasing.

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