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A few days had passed since the two's confession. Let's say they had become even more inseparable. If that was even possible. Jake not even sleeping in his own bed for the last 4 nights, much preferring to be cuddled to sleep in Sunghoon's arms instead. Who always dragged him into his room anyway, not wanting to be apart.

Jake groaned as his loud alarm sounded next to him from his phone, the blaring sound obviously waking up Sunghoon from his slumber too as he shifted, whining at Jake to turn the alarm off. He reached over, switching it off before checking the time. He began hating working morning shifts as it interrupted his comfort in his roommate's arms. Whos arms were currently round his waist, head resting against the nape of Jake's neck. Despite every part of his body willing himself to go back to sleep, he'd rather not arrive late for work. Dragging his body to sit up, which only caused a complaint from the male clinging onto him.

Sunghoon strengthened his hold on the Australian, mumbling in his drowsy morning voice. The voice that never failed to give Jake chills down his spine. As it was deeper and hoarse compared to his natural tone, driving him crazy.

"5 more minutes." He muttered, keeping a firm hold on Jake, who sighed unable to escape the iron grip.

"I have work, Hoon-ah. I'd rather not get killed by Jungwon." He replied, turning around in his hold, face to face with the stunning boy. Eyes still clamped shut, hair unkept and messy. He thought that this Sunghoon was his favourite one.

"Fine." He gave up, not before leaning forward and pressing a kiss onto the blonde's forehead. Finally retracting his arms.

Jake smiled as he got up, having showered last night not needing to worry about it this morning. He stretched his limbs as he grabbed his uniform from his own room and changing. The usual routine of heading to the kitchen. While waiting for his coffee to be made, a familiar pair of arms wrapped round his waist. Sunghoon's chin resting on his shoulder.

"Why are you awake, go back to bed, grumpy." He chuckled, turning his face to look at the taller for a second who smiled softly. Detaching himself a little before glancing to Jake with a cheeky grin.

"Wanna see something cool I found?"

Jake definitely did.

The two making their way up the further stairs of the apartment building, hands tightly clutching onto one another. Jake was a little confused on to why they were climbing steps in the ungodly hours of the morning. However it all making sense once he saw the door to the roof left wide open. The two had never been all the way up before. Well, Sunghoon apparently had, having discovered this somehow.

The crisp morning air brushed past Jake's cheeks as he stepped outside, however it was refreshing. Not cold enough to be uncomfortable, just a small bit chilling. As he looked at the view, he saw the sun rising over the bundles of buildings and sky scrapers. The usual pretty colours dotted in the sky.

He had watched two sunsets with Sunghoon, but not a sunrise. Until now. The latter seemed extra proud of himself for his discovery, Jake smiling softly towards him. He walked to the building edge, perching himself up at the wall. He felt his heart flutter as Sunghoon stood next to him, arm brushing against his.

He remained by his point that the sun was one of his favourite views, even more so as he stood high up on the roof of a building, a perfect sight of the beauty of nature before him. Grateful that Sunghoon had taken such an interest in his fascination, that he brought Jake here so early in the morning. Creating yet another memorable experience with the younger.

Sighing in content, Jake observed the pretty sky, as the sun began to shine its light over the earth. It's subtle beams gently casting over his face, creating the most beautiful scene Sunghoon had even seen, as he stared at the shorter. Watching in a daze as the sun brought out the golden glow of Jake's sun-kissed skin, and beautiful dark eyes becoming brighter.

"It's so pretty." Jaeyun whispered out, staring longingly at the sky.

"You're prettier." Sunghoon retorted, adoring as a pink tint then coated his breathtaking face. Jake rolled his eyes jokingly, shyly smiling.

"Okay, dude." He replied, chuckling at Sunghoon's dumbfounded expression, he shot a glare at Jake before reaching forward and pulling him close. Still admiring as the golden streaks of the sun's rays hit his face.

"Don't dude me." He huffed, head dipping down to Jake's. "I'm definitely not your dude." Firmly speaking as he raised an eyebrow to the smaller boy who chuckled, staring back. A subtle breeze blowing past the two, making Sunghoon's hair blow subtly.

"Are you not?" He teased, wrapping his arms around Sunghoon's shoulders. "What else are you then?" He whispered, grin playing on his lips.

That was when the sudden realisation than the two hadn't actually discussed what. they were hit Sunghoon. It was obvious they passed the friends term. Sunghoon wasn't sure that friends admit their feelings to eachother, go on dates and kiss. The younger smiled, leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, letting it linger for a few seconds.

"What, you been waiting for me to ask, baby?" He teased back, loving the way Jake's entire face flushed red, even the tips of his ears. It was so adorable. "You should've told me you'd been waiting." Voice in such mockingly seductive tone, Jake audibly groaned, bringing a hand to whack at his chest.

"Sunghoon." He whined, dragging on the letters with a pout. Hoping that acting cutesy would help him with the situation. And oh indeed it did. Sunghoon smiled widely, laughing at his adorable unofficial partner. Stopping himself from cooing aloud at Jake. He cupped his face gently, leaning forward and pressing a couple pecks onto his lips.

"Sim Jaeyun, will you do the honours of becoming my amazingly, pretty and smart boyfriend." Jake blushed harder at the question, whining aloud again as he hid into Sunghoon's neck for a second, trying to compose himself and his beating heart. He pulled away, although still shyly not meeting his eyes with the taller's. Sunghoon was practically cackling at the whole 180 in the situation, from teasing him to being completely flustered.

"Yes, I would want nothing more." He whispered. He had never felt himself feel so light and happy in his life. He was finally, finally, the love of his life's boyfriend. Sunghoon tilted his boyfriend's head up, eyes meeting eachother's again. Adoration and love.

"I'm so glad."

He spoke, before leaning down and connecting their lips into the softest kiss Jake has ever experienced in his life. Savouring the taste and feeling of their lips together as they ever so gently moved together, to then only grazing against eachother's. Sunghoon was so tender, always, so tender with Jake. Like he was the most precious piece of china in the world.

The sun rose behind as the two kissed on the roof, shining over them. The bright star marked the signal of a new day. A symbol of a new start, hope, faith. As Jake and Sunghoon began their new start together, officially, as boyfriends.

Jake arrived late to work that day. Not a single care in the world as he got scolded by Jungwon for punctuality. He was far too excited that he was dating Park Sunghoon instead. Unusually happy all day, Jungwon stared at his hyung in disgust, face cringing as he continuously clinged to him. His hyung was definitely going insane. The only thing to in that situation? Call Jay and ask him to fix his best friend.

Feeling his phone go off while on break, Jake opened the notification, feeling himself laughing at the message.

From: Jay 🇺🇸🦅
'I have no idea what you're doing but whatever it is you're scaring Jungwon'

'I'm not doing anything ! D:< Can't a guy be happy anymore????? 🥰🥰🥰'

From: Jay 🇺🇸🦅
'Something happened with Sunghoon didn't It? He's been acting weird asf lately too.'

'I have no idea what you're on about 😨😇😇😇😇😇'

Jake snorted as he left the messages there, not bothering to reply to the bundles of notifications Jay was bombarding him with. Smiling to himself as he clocked back into his shift.

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