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The morning soon came around, as Jaeyun, unwillingly, pulled himself from the comfort and warmth of his blankets to change and get ready to bring the first few pieces of furniture into his room. He definitely wasn't looking forward to driving backward and forwards, there was no point in hiring a moving service not wanting to pay the money as well, he wasn't that far away from his home. He was just being dramatic per usual. It would be nice at the end of the day to have his desk in his room and a mattress to sleep in. He assumed he and Sunghoon would go furniture shopping soon, opting to get the rest such as a new bed then. For now, he was happy with his desk and chair rather than having to sit on the cold floor.
Stretching his limbs and groaning about the day to come, Jake left his room after changing into appropriate clothes.

Sunghoon was already awake by the looks of it, his bedroom door wide open, boxes still scattered inside. However it seemed to be a bit more organised than Jake's. He shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen to find his roommate. Once again, said boy was resting against the counter, eating away at some snacks he had brought with him.

Jake greeted him and explained he was heading home to collect more things and informing the younger his brother was coming to help with the moving. Sunghoon nodded in understanding, he too was doing the same for the most part. They bid eachother goodbye, as Jake headed back outside to his mother's car he was borrowing for the time being.

Time went slowly as they drove back and forth from the house and apartment, endless teasing and jokes from his brother, which seemed to never stop.

"Awh my little bro is all grown up." Jaehyuk expressed dramatically, wiping an imaginary tear from his face as the two were carrying Jake's desk into the apartment.
Jake cringed and shot his brother a disgusted glare.

"Shut up you're so annoying. I'm three years younger than you, you moved out last year!" He exclaimed, peering at his brother's 'stupid' face. Laughter erupted from him as they continued to navigate through the apartment and finally placing the desk inside Jake's bedroom, putting some parts they broke apart back together.

He sighed in relief, having gotten everything he wanted to bring over in the apartment. Even if it was tiring hours with a break. He could relax now, having everything he needed until he went shopping for more, whenever the two would do that. He hoped soon. Not liking how plain and boring his room looked.

The brothers stepped out the room, Jaehyuk getting ready to head home for the day, when Sunghoon had finally arrived back, carrying something heavy into the apartment, momentarily putting it down against the wall to greet the two. Jake physically cringed seeing his brother act so polite and kind to Sunghoon while he had relentlessly been bullying him all day.

"Hey man, let me help you with that." Jaehyuk kindly offered. As much as Jake wanted to help. (He didn't.) He was sure the two could manage it on their own. Moving away and resting against the wall as he watched the two carry what seemed to be a desk into Sunghoon's room. Pulling out his phone and opting to scroll through that instead for the time being. Immersed in his phone, he hardly noticed his brother pull back Sunghoon for a moment as they stepped out the room.

Talking quietly towards him about something, the voices out of range from him to hear. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Sunghoon glance over at him, lips formed in a tight line. Butterflies swarmed in his stomach as he worried what on Earth his brother was telling his roommate about. An uneasy feeling as he begged it wasn't anything embarrassing or weird.

Why did Sunghoon look so concerned? Gosh I hate siblings.

He saw his brother shoot a smile at Sunghoon and a nod, before walking over to Jake and immediately pulling him into a headlock, ruffling his hair aggressively. The Aussie immediately complained and yelped at the contact, shoving his brother off him with a scoff. He heard Sunghoon stifle a laugh from behind them, before walking back into his room.

"What shit were you telling him about me?" He questioned accusingly in English to his brother, who just had a smirk playing on his lips. That only made his anxiety worse!

"Just how annoying you were growing up." He teased, before Jake could protest and call out bullshit, his brother had began rushing out the door.

"Come on slow poke, I wanna get home, I'm exhausted!" Exclaiming loudly, stretching his arms above his head. Jake just rolled his eyes at his unbelievable brother before following him out, mentally reminding himself to ask Sunghoon later on. After taking this man baby home that was!

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