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"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Sunghoon worriedly asked, a firm hand on Jake's arm as he stood at the door, waiting to head to work. Well, hesitating to go to work.

Unfortunately for Jake, the few days of relaxation had ended. The two had returned to uni 2 days ago, and Sunghoon officially back at his part time job this night. Meaning he was going to be left alone in the apartment for the second time. While he certainly was nervous, he knew it wouldn't be as difficult as the first night. Having spoken to his therapist again for coping mechanisms, and that he and Sunghoon had agreed to message as often as the younger could.
He smiled reassuringly, placing his hand over his.

"Yes, I promise."

Still not totally convinced, Sunghoon frowned, worry in his eyes. Paranoid he'd come home to Jake in that state again. While he seemed calm and content the first time, internally he was panicking a lot, terrified on how to help his roommate. Dread climbed through his heart at the possibility of Jake being in that state again. Because of him. However he knew he couldn't skip his shift, no matter how much he wanted. Thankfully, today wouldn't be long either. Only 4 hours.

"Fine, call me if you need me to come home, okay?" He asks, finally detaching his hand from Jake's arm. He nodded enthusiastically in return.

"I will!" A bright smile to try convince Sunghoon he was okay. "Have a good shift." He scoffed in response.

"I'll try. I'll message you when I can." He told him, before walking out the apartment, the door closing with a click.

Upon being left alone, Jake took a deep breath, trying to trick his mind in thinking that Sunghoon was just next door or something. He needed to work on new physics homework he had been assigned already. Jake found it incredibly upsetting he had already been set an unbelievable amount of work to do, on just the second day back. Picking up his laptop and work sheet, he shuffled into the living room, setting up the temporary work station. He felt most comfortable alone in the living room. It was the place he and Sunghoon mainly spoke, well here and the kitchen. The two meet there a lot, weirdly enough.

It was comforting, feeling as though his presence was still there. The two had found themselves sitting here close together through the recent nights, watching movies or just casually talking. Sometimes no words needed to be said, they just basked comfortably knowing the other was nearby. The two were definitely magnets, somehow always gravitating towards eachother.

He felt a little on edge knowing that, and knowing there was no one in the house with him right then. His chest feeling a little tight as he opened up his question sheet and calculator for his awaiting physics homework, which was staring at him to get done.

Around 15 minutes passed before he heard the ping on his phone, he smiled to himself as he saw the message from Sunghoon display on the screen.

From: Hoon 😊

'its only been 5 minutes and my manager has yelled at me somehow! I wanna come home already 😐
are you okay?'

Typing his answer, he felt much at ease as he could practically hear Sunghoon's tone through the message, chuckling to himself.

'Awh why did she yell at you? ):
Im doing okay!'

They conversed for a while before Sunghoon was about to get his 'ass kicked' when his manager caught him on his phone, typing a quick goodbye with typos, Jake managed to make out what he was saying. He shook his head at his roommate, smiling dumbly to himself. While the sense of feeling unsafe was definitely still present, it definitely wasn't as bad as before. Clearly. No panic attack tonight, masochists!

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