
671 39 11

My fav chapter :)


Stress and worry had consumed Jake's mind as he stared outside his window. No, he wasn't left alone. Just the usual worrying that everyone went through. Fear about assignments and grades, fatigue from busy schedules. His energy had been low, not even bothering to reply to Sunghoon as he greeted him today. He felt bad about it though, even though the latter didn't seem to take it to heart. However, he still felt guilty. He didn't like when he got distant to people. But he needed the break every now and then.

Sighing to himself, he watched the busy streets below, and above the beautiful sunset was perfectly in sight. Being on the 3rd floor maybe wasn't so bad after all. The views were calming and peaceful, Jake eyes followed as people went on with their daily lives. Alone, or walking and laughing with friends. Stern business men, elderly couples with their arms linked, mothers with their children skipping along side.

He smiled, the last one reminding himself and his original home in Australia. Suddenly, he longed to go back, an empty feeling in his stomach.

He missed skipping down the hot streets, as his mother would walk him back home from his soccer practices when he was only 8 years old. Telling him to slow down and watch where he was going as he would crash into almost anyone that was in his path. The familiar streets he grew up on, where everyone seemed to know eachother.

His mind was interrupted with a gentle knocking at his door, Sunghoon entered, shoes on his feet and the hood of his jacket over his head. With a slight smile he asked.

"Care for a walk?"

And that's how he found himself on the streets he was idly staring at minutes ago, hand brushing against his friend's beside him. Their paces matched, the only sounds being the bustling sounds of the city around them.

Once again, Jake was left completely star-struck by how well Sunghoon knew him. Knowing what he needed, and knowing right now he didn't want to talk. He appreciates his presence, the bumping of their hands and arms setting a gentle reminder he was still there.

He wasn't sure where they were headed, opting to just mimic the younger's steps as they passed through the now calming streets. Many people already arriving home after the busy day of work or school. The fresh smell of street food being packed up for the night, flooded his scent.

Glancing upwards, the beautiful paining of the sky on full showcase. Clouds had the beautiful tint of orange and yellow from the setting sun. Pinks blended so perfectly into the mix. This was definitely one of Jake's favourite sights, eyes lighting up in admiration.

Far too distracted by the pleasant sky, he was pulled gently to the side by Sunghoon as he was about to crash into a passbyer. Face flushing a little pink, his apologised to the person and thanked Hoon shyly. Who smiled and laughed sweetly in return.

The worries from earlier evaporated like nothing.

As the two continued to walk, their hands continued to etch closer. Resting against eachother's for the majority of the walk. Jake felt his heart beat subtly, as Sunghoon cautiously linked their pinkies together. Glancing up to the other, he smiled softly as the taller kept his gaze straight ahead, cheeks dusted pink. Matching Jake's.

The pair soon entered what seemed to be a public park, colour flower beds resting on the floor, large plains of semi-empty grass, an occasional person or two sitting down. He followed Sunghoon, who casually sat down a good distance away from anybody else. He took a seat next to him, pinkies still latched together. A peaceful silence remained, knowing the moment didn't need any words right now. It was just the comforting echoes of birds above and gentle gushes of wind through his ears.

Butterflies flew around his stomach, as Sunghoon now instead placed his hand full in Jake's. He took it upon himself, to lace their fingers together. A breathtaking smile never leaving his lips, as he continued to gaze at the beautiful sky above him. It got darker around them as the sun passed further down the tall city buildings. Lights from apartments, neon signs, logos all flashing calmly in the new darkness. It was strange, how every small light in the distance belonged to someone else. A different story and person, with different experiences and lives.


Jake felt as his hand was tightly intertwined with the boy's next to him. In complete adoration for the view before him. He naturally leant his head onto Sunghoon's shoulder, eyes still fixated infront of him. Clueless that the boy beside him spent the whole time, admiring a different beauty instead, stars in his eyes.

The light soon vanished to complete darkness, the only reason for sight being the lampposts near by. Stars now coated the midnight sky, twinkling like they were the protectors of Earth. The two began to steadily head back home on the near-empty streets.

He glanced beside him to see Sunghoon offering him an earbud to which he happily accepted, a large smile as he placed in it his ear. He indulged in Sunghoon's music taste. The songs not being ballad or sad, but not upbeat or extra. He seemed to pick ones that perfectly fit the mood. The slow yet mind stimulating vibes, with gentle and soft vocals. Pure bliss.

He almost didn't want to go home, to stay wandering the quiet streets with his friend forever. Unfortunately his job and sunghoon's lectures prevented that from happening. He still remained impossibly appreciative though, glad he got to experience this with his roommate. Glad he managed to rid him of his nerves once again, he always did.

Much to his dismay, their hands sadly disconnected as Sunghoon had to reach for the key inside his pocket to open the door. The warmth inside contrasting to the cold breeze of outside. Jake felt a wave of tiredness wash over him as the two stepped inside. He paused at his door, which was first to pass.

"Thank you, Hoonie." He said the nickname with certainty, offering said male a grateful smile. Sunghoon smiled widely at the name, bringing his hand up to ruffle his hair. His usual type of affection.

"No problem Jakey, I thought you could need a distraction."

The usual giddy feeling was even stronger, listening to his words. He couldn't begin to express his gratitude to his friend.

"I really did."

"I'm glad it helped. Sleep well, goodnight." Sunghoon bid, the usual affection laced in his words. Before he began to retreat into his own room. Jake smiled to himself, as he opened his door and fell backwards onto his bed. Hands on either side of his flushed face. He felt warm.

He rested well that night, the best rest he had gotten since he moved here.

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