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Jake opened his eyes to darkness, blinking multiple times to rid of the usual blurry vision. He groaned sitting up from his awkward sleeping position. He definitely didn't mean to fall asleep, nor did he recall it. Sighing, he leant over switching on the lamp on his bedside table, to yknow, be able to see.

Upon opening his eyes he noticed his laptop, in which he had been binge watching a new series, was closed and placed neatly onto the table too. Suddenly hitting him he had fallen asleep while aimlessly staring at his laptop.

A blanket he was sure he didn't have earlier was draped over him lightly. And now that he thought about it, he definitely did not turn his own light off. He furrowed his eyebrows upon noticing it mustve all been done by his ever so sweet roommate, Sunghoon.

The boy couldn't help but smile a little to himself, knowing he had cared enough to make sure he was comfortable in his slumber. Yet, feeling very embarrassed that his roommate had witnessed him falling asleep in a bright room with a Netflix series right in front of him.

Shaking his head, Jake stood up from the bed and stretched his limbs. Shifting out of the room to go check on his roommate too.

Weirdly enough, he wasn't sat in the living room as he usually was on his laptop doing assignments or whatever game he would play on there. Pursing his lips together, he walked and noticed he was not in the kitchen either. The bathroom door was slighting open so he definitely assumed he wasn't there.

He felt a little bit of anxiety grow inside him, before heading to the boy's bedroom and knocking on the door. Once no one answered he gently pushed the door open into the dark room with all the light switches off. However it was clear that Sunghoon wasn't in there either. Switching on the light to make sure, Jake's eyes scanned the room.

Unlike his, Sunghoon's room was a lot more simplistic and definitely more organised. It had only been 3 weeks and he already had things absolutely everywhere. He glanced into the room, walls a light greyish tone, a pinboard with pictures and assignment lists organised neatly on the wall. The bed that was in the centre of the room was properly made, however definitely had more pillows than necessary. They were the same in that respect. A white desk was pushed against the wall, his laptop sitting neatly in the middle while plugged in charge, as well as stationary pots on the left hand size. A window resting infront of the desk, a view to the outside which was pitch black by this time.

Wait, pitch black?

Jake double checked, and coming to the conclusion that his roommate was not here either. And it was completely dark outside.

"Hoon?" He called out worryingly, hoping that he was elsewhere in the apartment. There hadn't been a night since they moved in that Sunghoon wasn't with him. The tense feeling in his stomach arose as he swallowed down harshly.

I'm fine! I'm literally just in my house why am I scared??

He tried mentally scolding himself to rid of the pointless anxiety. Quickly walking back to his room and picking up his phone. To no surprise a message from Sunghoon, 3 hours ago, highlighted on his screen.

From: Hoon

'I saw you fell asleep and didn't want to wake you ):
I got called into work, it's a short shift tho I'll be home soon so don't worry!'

'Also don't fall asleep with a screen in front of you. It's bad for your eyes‼️'

Well it most definitely too late for both of those things. He was definitely worrying and definitely fell asleep with a screen in front of his eyes. Roughly taking his bottom lip between his teeth, he slung a blanket around himself, phone still in hand as he made his way to the living room for the antagonising wait for Sunghoon to return home.

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