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Hours and hours passed as the two boys moved boxes in and arranged their personal belongings in their previously claimed rooms. Suddenly, Jake severely regretted leaving his mattress for tomorrow, staring at the blankets and pillows on the floor for a makeshift bed. Sighing, he knew it would be an uncomfortable night.

He hadn't exchanged many words with Sunghoon throughout the day, only small talk as they passed eachother. Such as the ravenette offering to help Jake with boxes he was struggling with, his exhaustion painfully obvious. He had never been the strong type. As much as he wanted to accept the kind offer, he felt like his pride was on the line, refusing it each time.

Thankfully enough, his phobia had yet to kick in as it was still light outside and there was a second body in the house subconsciously keeping him company. He hoped, it would stay like this.

Leaning down to finally open the last box for today, he came across glasses and cutlery. Picking the semi-heavy box up in his arms, he made way for the kitchen. To the blonde's surprise, Sunghoon was already in there, leaning against the counter casually while looking intently at his phone screen.

From where he stood, Jake got a perfect view of the boy's side profile, to which he could only feel envy. The perfect slope of his nose, and hair that hung just above his eyes. Sunghoon turned to him at the sound, examining the contents in his arm.
Jake placed the box on the kitchen counter.

"Hey perfect timing." The other boy began talking, catching the attention of the shorter one. "I'm assuming you haven't eaten, well, as we don't have food in the apartment.." He began, a little awkward and hesitant in his speech. Jake couldn't help but smile a little though, glad to know his roommate wasn't some overly extroverted, perfectly social person. Now that, would be truly intimidating for an introvert like him.

"I was gonna order in just for tonight, do you want anything?" He questioned, meeting Jake's eyes for a second, before the Aussie flickered his gaze away. Never able to maintain eye contact. He thought about the request for a second.

Would it be rude to say no? After all he's just being nice. It's just a meal, what's the harm? Okay, but what if it gets awkward....

He replied before allowing himself to overthink such a simple thing.

"Yeah sure, that would be nice. What are you you getting?" He replies casually, as he began unpacking the plates and glasses from the box he had brought in.

"Is a Chinese good?" Sunghoon questions, a little anxious as he kept his eyes on Jake to spot his reaction. He turns back to him, nodding.

"That's fine with me."

The two spoke on what they were going to order back and forth, as the raventte confirmed and paid their order. Which was debated and argued by Jake. However he of course lost that debate. Sunghoon eventually came over to help him unpack the items into the cupboards. Which he was grateful for, a small smile still on his face as they spoke back and forth about random, small, things to erase the awkward silence. Getting to know one another a little.

In the short conversation, he had learnt that Sunghoon was a semi-retired figure skater, previously full time but wanting a break to focus on studies at university instead. However still went to the ice rink in free time. Jake admired him for that, amazed at the talent, his mouth dropping a little at the discovery. He suddenly, really, wanted to see him ice skate.

Sunghoon chuckled quietly at the other's reaction, showcasing his sharp fangs that peaked through whenever he would smile.

How was this guy so perfect?

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