Risking it all

951 37 17

Devale's Pov

After a beautiful night with Crystal and an amazing morning we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Crystal got up to go see who it is but I'm a man so I couldn't let her go by herself. We got dressed and headed downstairs only to be shocked when we opened the door.
K: heyyy babyyyyyyy
D: ummm hi
C: khadeen wha- what are you doing here
K: I came to surprise my man girl
D: I'm surprised alright ... umm how did you know I was here
K: you so silly I looked on the credit card history and I seen that it hadn't been used since you got here so I called the studio and they said you were with staying with Crystal because something happened at the hotel
C: who the fuck telling all my business ( mumbled)
K: what was that
C: ohh nothing well come on in make yourself comfortable

Khadeen walked in and kissed me I could see the look on Crystal face I could tell she wasn't having it.

C: well I'll leave you two love birds to it I've got some studying to do anyways
K: alright see you girl and thank you for letting us stay here
C: sure no problem

Crystal walked away I wanted to snatch away from Khadeen and follow her but I remained still. I couldn't believe Khadeen was actually here. This really messed up my chances of telling Crystal how I really felt about her as I was planning to do tonight. Khadeen complained that she was jet lagged an in need for a nap. So I showed her up to the room which Crystal had let me stay in.

K: (yawning) i am so tired why don't you come lay with me I haven't seen you in what feels like forever
D: I know baby but you know I have to work
K: yes and make that moneyyyyy
D: I got to

Khadeen laid in my arms until she drifted off to sleep. When she was sleep at last I slipped out of the room to go check on Crystal. She was wrapping up her studying for the resuming of the show.
D: hey
C: hey
D: are you okay
C: yes I'm fine I really don't have much of a choice I mean she's here right
D: I promise you I did not know she was-
C: (cutting him off) I know there was no possible way you could've know that she was going to pop up hell I don't even know how she remembered how to get over here
D: exactly somebody had to tell her but I don't need you feeling uncomfortable in your own house
C: I'm not if I felt that way I would've told y'all to get the fuck out
D: woah
C: no not like that (laughing)

We were talking for about an hour until Khadeen woke up she is so annoying always messing up what I got going on. The day progressed Khadeen and I went out to do "couple things" since she hadn't seen me in a while. Crystal stayed back and made dinner even though I know she didn't want to. We arrived back at the house a little after seven. Crystal had prepared a wonderful meal for us. We got done eating a little close to nine I was helping clean up.

K: thank you for this it was delicious
C: no problem (putting up the clean dishes)
D: yea you did your thing (wiping the table down)
K: well I am stuffed and tired I'm going to get some rest... bae you coming?
D: yea I'll be up in a minute

She kissed me and made her way up the stairs. I turned around to see anger forming on Crystals face she folded the dish cloth and made her way upstairs not giving me a chance to say anything. After sighing in frustration I went to me room leaving the kitchen stomping up the stairs. I opened the room door to find Khadeen sound-fully sleeping curled up in a little ball. I knew she was out for the night. So I went to Crystals room to check on her. She was sitting on her bed flipping through Instagram. I sat beside her and pulled her close because I know how all of this is feeling.
C: no Devale (pulling away from him) I'm sorry but the little shit she does is starting to piss me off
D: I know I know and I'm sorry about that
C: you don't have to keep apologizing it's fucking her
D: listen let me make it up to you (scooting closer to Crystal)
C: your wife is literally in the other room are you crazy
D: crazy about you
C: (rolling her eyes) stop using lines from the show they were corny then and they're even cornier now plus I'm about to get in the shower anyways.

Crystal got up and went in the bathroom. I was going back n forth with my thoughts. Should I leave the room and go be with my wife or should I follow my heart and risk it all

Authors Note ~
What move do you think Devale is about to make? 🤔
Do you guys feel Crystal should be jealous of Khadeens acts of affection?
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter tell me your thoughts. 😘

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