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Devale's POV

We woke up and seen the news continuously popping up across our phone screen. Texts were coming back to back. It was everywhere. I guess in the midst of our fun last night we weren't paying attention to what was going on around us. I clicked the link my agent sent me. It was a video of Crystal throwing it back on me. The comments were just a bunch of people saying how they been knew and how they figured I was cheating on Khadeen. But I really wasn't bothered by all of that. I was more so worried about Crystal and how she felt so my first instinct was to obviously check on her.

D: so how you feel
C: I don't even know D
D: it's gonna be alright (grabbing Crystal)
C: I know it will
D: so again imma ask you how do you feel and be honest
C: honestly... I'm glad it came out like this and not khadeen doing any fuck shit. You know that girl is petty
D: she is but if she did it would've just fell back on her
C: yea you right but the only thing about this is now we are going to get questioned about everything
D: I'm a divorced man so there's nothing no one can really say
C: I know but it's always gonna be those people who are gonna think ...
D: stop Crys stop ...
C: what
D: stop caring what people think you know I truly think that's the reason why you won't be with me
C: D that's not true
D: that's how I feel you care too much about what other people are gonna say fuck them people and their opinions none of that matters. Everybody always gonna have an opinion that's human nature but at the end of the day it's just words it's not like they have a heaven or hell to put you in. Look at me I'm about to be completely honest with you Crystal I love you. And it's not the same love I had for Khadeen. It's a different kind of love like I really don't know what I would do without you in my life. You are supportive and you encourage me. The whole situation that happened at the hotel you calmed me down and made sure I was okay before anything else. I felt this for a long time since the beginning of our little fling. Hell when I first saw you I felt something. (Now crying)
C: D I know because I feel the same way but
D: but what why won't you let me love you
C: because..
D: because why
C: because you literally just got out a whole marriage you are not ready for a relationship. And to protect myself and our friendship from being damaged if the shit don't work out so my answer to being with you is no. Neither one of us deserve to be hurt like that if shit goes left
D: but what if it goes right. Me and Khadeen fell out of love a long time ago. We were putting on a show for the media and to protect our brand. To be honest after we started filming the first season of the show that's when things went downhill in our marriage
Crystal I promise you.
C: what if you can't keep that promise
D: what if I can

We were now crying. I don't think she understands how serious I am. Even how much she means to me. I would rather try now and work out the kinks along the way then to miss my opportunity to be with the person I love. We sat in silence for a few moments I guess so we could gather our thoughts.

C: I just need some time to think about all of this okay
D: okay I'm not trying to pressure you or anything
C: I know but I think it's best if I just take some time to think and meditate on everything
D: take your time
C: I'm gonna go
D: at least let me take you home
C: no no it's okay Kayla is on her way to get me she should be here in a few
D: okay

After that there was really nothing I could say. All I could do was respect her wishes and pray she came around. I stood on what I said and if that meant waiting for her then that is what I was going to do. But hopefully I didn't mess up anything between us. Crystal gathered her things and was out the door.

D: bye Crys love you
C: .... Bye D love you too

It was two weeks before I spoke to or seen Crystal again .....

Author's Note 🥰
Did Devale run Crystal off ??
Is Crystals feelings justified??
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter 😘
Give feedback 😝

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