Will it effect us

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Devales Pov
That night something happened nobody expected it but it was something we both secretly wanted.
Me and Crystal were talking about my kids and everything was nice then I felt a little snack ish so I decided to go to the store up the street. I asked her did she want anything from the store she said bring her some chips. So I went to the store and came back in a timely manner as I walked in the door I didn't see Crystal so, I began to yell her name " Crystal I got your chips" she didn't answer I yelled again "Crystal" still no answer. So up the stairs I went as I arrive to the top of the stairs headed to my room I heard little moans coming from Crystals room. When I approached the door it was cracked little bit so o peaked through the crack and I saw her sitting on her bed with no clothes on touching herself. Rubbing her hands up and down her body while grabbing herself. She didn't see me so I just went back to my room and thought about what I just saw. A few moments later she came in my room with a smile on her face asking me did I get her chips stuttering I finally replied " uhhh yea they're on the counter in the kitchen" she asked me was I okay I replied back yes and that I was fine when I'm actuality I was shook. My eyes couldn't believe what I had just witnessed and my mind couldn't wrap around the fact that I just seen what I just saw. As she was standing in the doorway of my room with her bra and panties with a silk black robe around her. She seemed uncertain if I was okay but yet she walked away. Laying in bed trying to process everything I thought to myself " what was she thinking about while she was touching herself" questions began to ponder "was it me "? " was it someone she was seeing " ? As funny as that last one is cus she never said she was seeing anyone matter of fact she said verbatim "I'm single asf" so what could have possibly been on her mind. Part of me wanted to come clean and tell her what I seen. But the other part well you can probably guess that cus I have been wanting to do it for a very long time now but this might have been the day that I finally acted on my thoughts. I have no idea but all I can do is beg the question is will it effect us.

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