The Confrontation

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Devale's POV

We walked in the room to find Khadeen and Eli sitting next to each other. Now I see why my lawyer wanted Crystal in here with me. I felt rage boiling up inside of me. Crystal could see it too so before I could utter a word she grabbed me. As she was in the midst of trying to get me to gather my thoughts. Khadeen realized her presence.

Kay: what is she doing here
D: yo don't start cus you got this nigga in here
Eli: hey I ain't said shit to you
D: man fuck you
Eli stood up
Devale's Lawyer: okay okay can everyone just settle down please. We came here for one reason and we are never gonna fulfill that reason if you all don't control your selves.
Khadeen's lawyer: I agree 100% you all are acting like children now can we get down to business please

We all sat down and began. Khadeen and I were sorting out everything. We agreed that everything would be split evenly amongst the both of us. The earnings that we made together. And any other earnings we made individually will remain untouched. She would keep the house in New York. If the baby was mine I would be obligated to pay child support i didn't particularly agree with that but it's whatever. The meeting went on we signed the agreement our lawyers told us that it would be about another month before our divorce was officially final and boy wasn't I ready the countdown started now.
We ended the meeting me and Crystal were headed out the door. I could see a sign of relief on her face. I paused our walk to the car to talk to her.

D: Crys can I  holler at you for a moment
C: yea sure
D: you alright
C: yea I'm fine just glad this is almost over
D: me too but um I was thinking to celebrate we should go out tonight
C: umm ...
D: not like a date just as friends
C: in that case yes we can go out tonight

Our conversation went on until we were interrupted.

Kay: well well we'll look what we have here
C: Kay don't start please
Kay: I'm not starting anything bitch I trusted you
C: excuse me I'm sorry did you just call me -
Kay: yes I did because I knew it
D: what did you know khadeen
Kay: I know you two have been fucking
C: what are you talking about
Kay: oh don't try to act dumb now I've known ever since I popped up at your house when y'all were filming. That morning when I asked you what you were doing because I heard sex noises it was because I heard you guys. And you stood in my face and lied to me. Then the rest of my stay y'all were acting weird.
C: Kay I'm -
Kay: save your apologies
D: nobody is apologizing for shit (interrupting the conversation) Khadeen you were cheating on me before I slept with Crystal. You admitted that so you don't have any room to say shit to nobody. Then you chose my best friend as your victim so fuck outta here with allat. Come on Crystal let's go.

I grabbed her hand and guided her to the car. When we got into the car Crystal was quiet. I could tell she let Khadeen's words effect her.

D: Crys ...
C: D I'm okay I promise ( tears began to fall)
D: no you are not you're crying let me pull over

I pulled the car over so we could continue our conversation.

D: tell me what's wrong and we are not moving until you speak
C: it's just ... (struggling to form the words)
D: come on talk to me (grabbing her hands)
C: it's just idk hearing all of that out loud made me feel some type of way. I mean I know she cheated first but at the time you didn't know that and we were betraying her. Then that night we did what we did while she was in the room sleep and that following morning I lied to her face. I just feel like complete shit right now.
D: un un don't beat yourself up about this. Everybody makes mistakes. Yes it was wrong but I played a major part in it as well. Look at me (wiping Crystals tears) you are not a bad person and fuck anybody who thinks otherwise. You are one of the most realist, intelligent, independent, resilient women I have ever met. So don't let some that don't compete where they don't compare get you all upset. Plus we going out tonight to celebrate. Matter fact you should invite Kayla and some of your other friends. Imma see if Brian and Anthony want to pop out too shit we finna turn up imma free man. 

She began to laugh

D: that's until you make your mind up
C: devale
D: okay okay I'm not gonna pressure you just know I'll be waiting
C: okayyy devale can you please drive this car I gotta pee
D: see you so bossy

I pulled off. About 10 minutes later we arrived at this nice little sandwich spot. While I was ordering Crystal went to go use the restroom. When she came out we were both now standing in line and a few fans noticed us. We took pictures with them and engaged in little conversation mainly them telling us how they loved us and the show. Our sandwiches were ready so we grabbed then an headed back to the car. We ate our lunch the proceeded to my house. This would be the first time Crystal would see my apartment since I moved. We later arrived at my apartment.

D: welcome to mi casa
C: okay this is nice everything is nice and put up
D: you know ya manz
C: I see I see

We hung out for a few hours then we headed back to Crystals house where we took a nap then we were up getting ready for our night out.

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