Awards tragedy

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Crystals Pov

uhhhhhhh ..... me and devale made up. I was glad that weight had been lifted off my shoulders being mad at him was starting to grow heavy on me. I was starting to realize that being upset with him was harder than I originally thought. It was award show day. The cast and myself had completed all of the press for the week it was finally show time. It was now 5pm and the show started at 8pm so I had a little time before I had to start getting ready. I decided to walk down to the lobby and sit by the pool just to get my head straight for tonight. I don't know water always calmed me. I was in the middle of my meditation when a light tap appeared on my shoulder. It was Devale. Even though we had made up I didn't want to really speak to him until it was necessary. All he'd done lately was cloud my brain an we were presenting tonight to I would've rathered no interference but I couldn't ignore him.
D: hey
C: hey
D: what you out here doing
C: meditating preparing myself for tonight
D: ohh yeaa I know you all about your "peace n harmony" (mocking crystal)
C: boy shut up (laughing)
D: what time you leaving because you know the fans are going to wanna see us on the red carpet together
C: umm I don't know being as though the venue isn't but 30mins from here and the red carpet starts at 7pm maybe around 7:30 ish
D: okay bet I'll see you then imma let you get back to your "meditating"
C: alright see you then (laughing)
It was just something about his presence that made me feel so warm and special. I could tell he really didn't want anything he just wanted some of my attention. And to me that was really sweet. After my meditation I looked at the time an it was getting closer to the time I would start getting ready for the show. So I gathered my thoughts and went back to my room to get ready.

Devale's POV

It was nice seeing and having a conversation with Crystal earlier. We had talked during press week but it was nothing like what happened at the pool. It felt free like we were on the way back to a more positive place. I was in such a great until I got back to my hotel room. Khadeen was bitching about something I truly didn't pay her any mind my focus was purely on tonight and seeing Crystal. Khadeen was in the bathroom on the phone with somebody cussing and fussing like I said I didn't pay her any mind. When she came out the bathroom she hung up the phone fast like she was hiding something. She must've not heard me come in.
D: what you so upset about
K: nothing it's nothing let's jus get ready (moving frantically)
D: you sure because you moving mad weird
K: I said it was nothing (raising her voice)
D: damn okay
K: I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell I'm just idk
D: it's okay let's just get ready

Khadeen was acting weird and I did nothing to her. Whoever was on that phone must've really pissed her off for her to be acting this way towards me. But i simply couldn't put too much energy into it I was presenting so that was now my focus. We got ready and headed out the door khadeen was still in her little funk but I wasn't gonna let that ruin my night. We were standing outside the elevator when suddenly it open. The doors parted and I saw Crystal with this long body fit sparkling burgundy gown on. She looked amazing better than khadeen. We stepped into the elevator Crystal greeted us. Khadeen ducked off in the corner of the elevator mean mugging everyone. Crystal asked me what was wrong subliminally but I couldn't give her a real answer without khadeen picking up on it. We reached the lobby where we met up with the other cast members we interacted while waiting on the sprinter to arrive. It finally came an we embarked on a not so subtle night.

Crystal's Pov

The red carpet was amazing I know the photographers took great pictures... you know got all my good sides. We did some amazing interviews and  got to meet some wonderful stars. Devale and Khadeen all hugged up taking pictures didn't sit right with me. And no it wasn't because I wanted him it was the simple fact that she looked like she had a attitude and he looked bothered by her not being there for him in his big night. If I seen this I knew other people picked up on it as well. Me being me I went over to khadeen while she was alone an asked her if she was okay. The poor child looked as if she was about to burst.
C: heyyy are you okay
K: yes I'm fine
C: you don't look it friend
K: I promise I'm okay I just need some space I believe I feel kinda sick
C: do you need to go back to the hotel?
K: no no I'm fine if it gets any worse I'll just tell Devale hopefully he'll understand
C: yea I'm sure he will well come on girl the doors are opening we need to go in and find our seat
K: okay girl come on ( taking a deep breath)

The show was amazing all of the performances were top tier. Seeing these artists accept their awards brought me back to when I use to do music and how it felt to be honored for my work. It was time for the cast to present we all made our way backstage. As we prepared ourselves the backstage crew placed us with our "significant others" according to the show. Because the prompter had us acting like our characters just to give the audience a laugh. To me it was quite hilarious not being bias or nothing but me and Devale did the best. They set up where "Zac" was fussing at "Karen" and "Fatima" interjected while "Andi" was trying to calm everyone down. The crowd  responded very well some were dying laughing other were chilling. It went well we were presenting best R&B album and Summer Walker won the award. This was her third win of the night. The rest of the show went amazing we sung , laughed, hell even cried. The show was over and the cast wanted to go out to celebrate. We went back to the hotel to change. I texted Devale to see if he was going.

                        Devale 😘

Hey you going out tonight?
                                         Nahhh I'm aggravated
What happened? 
                                    Nothing khadeen just bitchin
oh well if I don't talk you when we get back I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight 💋
                                        Goodnight ✌🏾

I didn't like how he was being dry with me but I couldn't control it so I moved on. I went out I had a good time it would've been better if devale was there but little did I know he was going through it back at the hotel.

Devale's pov
The gang went out I wanted to go but I was determined to get to the bottom of whatever Khadeen's malfunction was.
D: so you wanna tell me why you're so upset
K: what are you talking about
D: I'm talking about the way you've been acting since earlier
K: I'm just a little upset
D: well why aren't you talking about it I'm your husband right
K: yes but I don't have to tell you everything
D: true but when it's effecting more than you realize I feel like I have a right to know
K: Devale im not doing this
D: doing what I'm simply trying to figure out what's wrong with my wife
I began rambling on and I could see that she was starting to grow frustrated. It was all in her face an soon she was about to blow.
K: YOU KNOW WHAT DEVALE YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT'S WRONG IM GOING TO BE HONEST I CAN'T ALLOW THIS TO EAT ME UP ANYMORE. When you went away i cheated on you matter of fact I've been cheating on you every time you go away I get lonely and I found comfort in someone else.

I was in shock. Anger started to grow on my face. I began to feel hot. Very calmly I asked her
D: who is it
K: huh
D: don't play dumb who have you been having an affair with
K: can't I just spare you the details
D: no I'm asking you the least you can do is give me an answer
K: eeeee... (stuttering)
D: ELI??
K: yes devale yes
D: are you fucking kidding me
K: since I'm being honest in the moment Devale I'm pregnant and I don't know who the father is. That's why I was upset earlier I was on the phone with Eli breaking the news to him

My heart was broken. My wife and my best friend have been sneaking around behind my back for God knows how long. And now my wife is pregnant with a child that she doesn't even know if is mine. I needed to leave I had to get away from her before things ended up ugly. I calmly took my ring off and set it on the tv stand as I began to walk out the door. Khadeen tried to stop me but I snatched away from her. It was only one person I knew who could calm me down but she was out so I went outside to get some fresh air and gather my thoughts. You'll never guess who I met once I reached the outdoors.

Authors note 🥰
Whewwww a lot to unpack this chapter let me know your thoughts
Who you think is the father???
Who did Devale meet outside???
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😘🥰

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