It's Morning

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Devale's POV

A knock rang at the door. We weren't expecting any company so it was quite a shock to me an Crystal. I got up to see who it was leaving her in bed. Approaching the door I peeked through the peephole to find Kj standing outside. My mind went into panic mode. I quickly rushed back to Crystal to tell her she quickly threw on her robe and went towards the door. She told be to stay back so that Kj wouldn't see me. But I could still hear their conversation.

C: heyyy Kj (nervously speaking)
Kj: heyy cryss
C: what are you doing here so early
Kj: for one it's 11am and you must've forgotten
C: enlighten me
Kj: girl the cast is supposed to be going to lunch before we each head back home
C: oh yea y'all did say that last night
Kj: well I see you must be just waking up our reservations are for 12:30pm
C: yea I'll be there I just need to pull it all together you know
Kj: yea girl you look a mess and you didn't even drink that much
C: lightweight (fake laughing)
Kj: well I guess I'll see you there
C:yes you will (about to close the door)
Kj: wait crystal have you seen or talked to Devale no one has been able to contact him since last night I heard him an khadeen got into it pretty bad
C: umm I seen him when we all came back he was by the pool but after that I came up here and went to bed (lying)
Kj: oh well if you talk to him make sure you tell him about lunch you know we won't see each for another month until we are back in Vegas for the soul train awards
C: yea yea if I talk to him I'll be sure to let him know
Kj: okay love ya see you in a few
C: love you too

She pinned her back against the door taking a sigh of relief. Crystal then walked around the corner to where I resided.

D: what was that all about
C: nothing she just was talking about the lunch the cast planned today since we are all leaving and won't see each other for another month
D: oh yea I just seen chido message (looking at his phone)
C: are you okay enough to go around people because Kj said she heard that you and Kay got into it
D: nosy ass housekeeping
C: well I mean if y'all were yelling anybody could've heard but it wasn't their business to tell
D: I think I'm good... are you good
C: I'm great after last night (winking)
D: oh yea (pulling Crystal in for a kiss )
C: don't start nothing you can't finish (breaking away)
D: ohh I can finish it
C: boy stop playing plus we gotta get packed up so we won't be late
D: damn (angrily) I forgot my shit is still in the room with Khadeen
C: fuck .. listen take a deep breath and go get your things bring them back here okay
D: what if she's there and wants to talk
C: breathe pack up your shit and leave you are not in a headspace to talk or listen to anything she has to say
D: okay I'll be back (kissing Crystal)

On my way to the room all I could think about is if I walked in an found them laying in the bed together. How I was gonna beat some ass. I reached the room and the door was cracked. I opened the door and the room was empty all that filled the space was my suitcases with a note attached to it

Dear Devale,
I am truly apologetic for everything that I have done. From cheating on you to getting pregnant behind your back. It was never my intention for things to end up the way they did but I guess plans changed. I decided that it was best for me to leave last night with Eli to avoid anymore confusion. I packed my stuff and your stuff. Also I turned in my set of room keys to the hotel all you'll have to do is check out. Back home I think it's best if you don't come back at least for the time being. As far as the baby goes if it is yours I would expect you to take care of it but I can only ask for so much. Again I am truly sorry about all of this. It wasn't supposed to end up like this.
Sincerely Khadeen 💋

All of those feelings from last night began to conjure up again. But I remembered what Crystal told me to do just breathe. I gathered my belongings and went back to Crystals room. When I got back she had packed all of her stuff and showered.

D: damn you smell good
C: I just got out the shower (laughing) well
D:well what
C: don't play dumb how did it go
D: ohh it didn't she wasn't even there an had the nerve to leave me this bum ass note attached to my packed up luggage
C: that was a coward move she couldn't even face you after all of this
D: no then she told me in the letter that she doesn't feel I should come back home
C: woww you see that's why I offered you a place to stay
D: and I thank you (leaning in for a kiss)
C: okay now go get ready we gotta be out of here in 30
D: okay okay you always interrupting me and him
C: wait who is - ohhhhhh boy go get your ass in the shower

I playfully stomp off towards the bathroom. After about 15mins I got out the shower and got dressed me an Crystal were headed out the door on the way to lunch.

Author's Notes 😘
Do you think Khadeen is wrong?
How are we feeling about her little letter?
Let me know your opinions hope y'all enjoyed the chapter 🥰🥰

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