Memory Lane

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Crystals Pov

The night was going great. Me and Devale set boundaries that we both would obey. Even though the tension between us was purely obvious. We both felt it. I know on my end it was hard to control I could only imagine what he was going through in the other bed. It was currently 3 in the morning and I still lay awake, no matter what side I slept on I couldn't get comfortable. I looked over to Devale he was curled up in a ball sound asleep like a child. I took the opportunity and slid in the bed with him.

D: I was waiting on you (laughing)
C: hey sir still boundaries
D: ain't nobody gone touch you ... even though I want to ( mumbling)
C: what you say
D: nothing
C: stop playin with me and yea stay over there
D: goodnight
C: goodnight

I closed my eyes attempting to drift off to sleep. But yet again I lay restless. I thought laying next to Devale would mute the urge of me wanting to jump on him. The craving for his body to be on top mine only grew stronger i couldn't resist my desires.
I turned over to wrap my arms around his body. In this position crept up to his neck and started kissing him. It had been a long time since I tasted his sweet skin. Slowly making my way around his neck I began caressing his body. He was starting to wake up as he awoken I went from his neck to his lips. He didn't resist me. He grabbed my face our passion commenced. From that I got on top of him and continued kissing him. He took the shirt I was wearing and pulled it over my head. Cupping my breast as they fell. I let out soft moans his touch made me realize how much I missed being touched especially by him. Our passion intensified I felt his manhood growing under me. I slid down holding him moving in an up an down motion. Looking into his eyes I began to suck his manhood. I knew he was enjoying it by the way he grabbed my head and squeezed my hand. When I got done I made my way back up to his face to give him sloppy wet kisses.

D: damn you must've missed me
C: I did (wiping the side of her mouth)
D: let me show you how much I missed you

He flipped me over so that he was now on top. Kissing me all over he removed my shorts and underwear. Focusing his attention on my neck his hand snuck down and he started rubbing on my pussy. Staring deep into my eyes my moans sounded in his ear.
C: dddevale (whispering) I'm finna ....
D: let it go baby

My hands sunk into his back while my toes curled in the sheets. I then took his fingers and sucked them tasting myself. We started back kissing, he picked me up so that he was holding me as he began to penetrate me. It felt so good to feel him inside of me again. He didn't rush into anything he was more so catering to my every need. I could tell that he wasn't going to last much longer as his grip tightened around me. When I felt him about to release my walls clenched onto his manhood. He finally finished and we both layed down with heavy breath and warm bodies.

C: omg
D: what
C: I missed that
D: me too
C: I mean damn that was better than I remember it
D: it's been a while since I had you I had to show out
C: you definitely made me happy
D: you did the same for me as well despite what I went through earlier
C: don't mention anything about earlier it's just me and you right now
D: I know I know I'm sorry ... speaking of that I don't really have anywhere to stay because of-
C: yea , well how about you stay with me it's not permanent just until you can get on your feet
D: you sure? That seems like a lot and ion wanna be a burden
C: Devale one why would you be a burden two I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure
D: C can I be honest with you
C: yes ofc
D: i want to divorce Khadeen (pausing)
C: okay
D: and I don't want to rush into anything
C: boy I'm offering you a place to stay not proposing
D: I know but at the same time idk (sitting up)
C: look hey it's all good. Don't sweat it, you don't have to make a decision right now but know the offer is there if you want it
D: thank you
C: for what
D: for just being here for me
C: you're welcome I know you would do the same thing for me if I was in this situation. But wait can we backtrack for a second. You're divorcing Khadeen?
D: yes
C: why
D: she cheated what do you mean (raising his voice)
C: okay calm down but Devale do you not remember sleeping with me
D: no bro let me just tell you all of what happened because you're not seeing my point
C: do tell because I'm confused
D: so when I came back from the being at the pool with you I walked into the room and she was yelling at somebody. From that she had an attitude and it carried on to her being upset the rest of the night. When we got back to the hotel I asked her what her problem was she wouldn't budge. So I told her that if she's going through anything I'm her husband I should be able to help her. She blew up and told me everything. She said that it all started by her getting lonely so she called my best friend to come "comfort" her. One thing led to another and some time later here we are. They've been seeing each other ever since and now she's pregnant and don't know who the father is.
C: wow umm I'm not sure how to respond because damn I'm sorry
D: you don't have to say anything it's just a lot of shit that took place tonight (becoming emotional)
C: hey hey look at me don't beat yourself up she's responsible for her actions therefore she has to deal with the consequences of them. I understand if you don't want anything right now hell you don't need anything right now. All you need to to figure some things out and get/keep your mind clear. You're gonna get through this.

Devale fell into my arms all he could do was cry. I could tell he was really hurt about the situation. Honestly he had every right to be and I couldn't be mad because I know if it was me I would've been hurt as well. I held him for the remainder of the night. Morning came and he was still fast asleep in my grasp.

D: morning
C: goodmorning
D: thank you for what you said last night I needed that and if the offer still stands I would love to stay with you until you know I get my shit together
C: ofc the offer is still on the table and your welcome (kissing him)

Before our kiss turned into something else there was a knock at the door. I wonder who it could be.

Author's Note🥰
Who y'all think at the door?
Is Devale making the best decision?
Do you think Crystal is biting off more than she can chew?
Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter let me know your thoughts 😘

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