Miles apart

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Crystals Pov

It had been a week since devale had left. He texted me every day and that only made me miss him more. The little while Devale was staying with me when we were filming, I had really grown accustomed to having him around. So I was left lonely but not too lonely. Although I had whatever I had going on with Devale that still didn't stop me from dating I mean devale does have a whole wife. I would go out but no one ever fulfilled me. One night I was laying in my bed reminiscing on the good times when I got a call. To my surprise it was Devale.
C: heyyy youuu
D: yooooo
C: what you doin calling me dis late
D: Kay went out with her friends so I'm here all alone thinking about you
C: mmm is that so
D: yea
C: well to be honest I was thinking about you too kinda miss having you here
D: look who's getting soft
C: never that
D: we'll see when award an press show week comes
C: ohh shit how could I forget pls tell me you're coming alone
D: I really wish I was but unfortunately kay is coming me
C: damn .. well alright I'll talk to you later
D: Crys don't do that
C: do what ??
D: I can hear that you are upset with me
C: no I'm jus gettin tired
D: oh yea alright well goodnight then
C: goodni-
Before I could say goodbye fully Devale had already hung up the phone. It pissed me off a little but I didn't pay it any mind until I got a notification from instagram saying he posted. It was a video on his story of him and khadeen all over each other with the caption "I love my wife". That shit made me furious because if you love your wife so much then - nvm. My thoughts were running rapid trying to figure out a way to get back at him. I remembered that earlier my best friend Kayla invited me to this party. I hit her up to see if the party was still going to my surprise it was still lit. So I got up, got myself together, and I put on my best. Just to slide through the party to see what the vibes were well at least that's what I told Kayla.

About 30mins later I arrived at the party the music was loud an everyone was drunk but not too far gone. I peeped around looking for Kayla when I heard a loud "CRYSTALLLL" creep up from behind me.
C: heyyy booo
Kayla: everybody stfuuuu my bitchhhhh here girl why you so late (slurring her words)
C: well I wasn't gonna come but I changed my mind
Kayla: you're here now so let's turn uppppppp

I followed Kayla to the open bar taking shots back to back trying to catch up with her. The music was good the vibes were great I was having a good time. In the midst of me dancing with Kayla my phone buzzed in my purse. It didn't occur to me what it could've been so I looked anyway again to my surprise it was Devale posting on his story all hugged up with Kay with the caption "one an only girl". A part of me was angry but the other part didn't care but I still wanted to get back at him. If this was the type of game me and him were gonna play then so be it. I told Kayla to put in a request to the Dj nothing specific just something I can move to. Moments after the intro to FNF came on. I quickly grabbed my phone I felt this was my moment. I recorded two videos to the song one of me and Kayla singing the lyrics extra hard and the other one was me twerking on this random girl. Both with the captions "FNF & DTN" ( fuck nigga free , don't trust niggas). As we got deeper into the night the crazier it got. Everybody was twerking on each other some girls started tonguing each other down and Kayla was getting wild so I knew it was time to go home. I drug Kayla to my car and took her home an made sure she made it in the house safely. It was about 3am when I got back home I took off my clothes hopped in the shower and went to bed. Briefly before dozing off I checked my story views to see if Devale had seen them.

He did and the message he left her wasn't nice at all. Gladly she didn't see that till in the morning.

The next morning...

Devale 😘
So I see you posting on your story trying to make me upset. It's cool matter fact you can keep posting that dumbass shit. I only posted kay because of how you acted on the phone earlier that night and you can't even lie an say you didn't act a ass but it's all straight. If you was jealous just saying that would've made things a lot better but now I'm in my feelings about the situation. So at the end of the day if this is what you are on you can go somewhere else with that.

                  Crystal 😘
First of all I only posted what I posted because of you. And I acted the way I did because we weren't gonna be able to have any alone time but I guess that doesn't matter now. I see how you handled this situation an I realized I'm good I don't need you so fuck you devale

After I sent that message I blocked him of course it hurt but I'll get over it. Life goes on you know.

Authors note 😘
Sorry it took me so long to update writers block is real.
How do y'all feel about Crystal and Devale being at odds?
Hope y'all enjoyed 😘😘

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