Chapter 2.

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Rayla knelt beside the body. It really was a she. The young elf carefully pulled down the woman's dripping wet hood. She was young, maybe in her early 20s? But the most unique thing about the woman was her skin. At first, Rayla thought frostbite was true, but... Star-shaped decorations glowed beneath her eyes. Long white hair adorns her face and pointed ears stick out of her hair. ,,She is an elf. But not a species I know of...." Rayla murmured softer. She didn't dare touch her clothes, that was really disrespectful. "And? What about her?" Callum asked and looked over the shoulder of the moon shadow elf. He was more interested in the objects in her hand. It was a dagger, the blade had the color of the starry sky. Dried blood clung to the blade, odd that it hadn't washed off. "I don't know, I don't know if she's alive or dead. She's not breathing." "She's alive!" Ezran joined the conversation. "Ez, how do you know that? Or did the insect tell you?" Callum asked, the last one with a hint of scorn. "You have to stab her in the chest with the dagger! Otherwise she won't wake up!" Rayla looked at the prince in confusion. "You're kidding me. I don't do that!" The elf said upset. "Please Rayla! I know you haven't known me that long, but please trust me! If she doesn't wake up, something really bad will happen!" Ezran looked at her traveling companion gravely. Rayla looked hesitantly at Callum. He just shrugged his shoulders. He was just a "magician".

Carefully, Rayla freed the dagger from the elf's grip. There was no resistance, was she dead? Rayla hesitantly raised the dagger with both hands, meanwhile the sun was already rising. The two youngest watched her with quiet curiosity. Then she stabbed right in her heart. And....nothing happened.

,,Wow. Is that all Ezran?" Rayla asked and sighed. She took a deep breath and looked into the elf's face. Creamy green eyes looked back.

"I'm sorry that I slept so long, brother....You're not my brother...!" Rayla jumped back and Callum pushed his brother behind him. The elf looked around, slightly confused. She was dripping wet but she didn't really seem to care. "Who are you?" Rayla had her blade drawn out of reflex. She got up carefully. "My name wouldn't mean anything to you." Her voice was low and raspy, as if she hadn't spoken in centuries. "Who are you?!" Callum now asked, and her green eyes flitted to him. Her eyes lit up with interest when she saw the Urstein in his hand. She tried to get up, but collapsed painfully. Ezran didn't let his brother hold him back any longer and ran to the elf. ,,Ez! Look out! Maybe she's dangerous!" The woman laughed softly on the ground. "Shall I help you?" Ezran asked, ignoring his big brother. "That would be very kind of you, yes please"

As the young woman stood full-length, Rayla finally understood what kind of elf she was. She slowly lowered her blades. "You're a startouch eleven, aren't you?"

"To be honest, you're not the people I was hoping for. No offense" The four of them sat on a fallen tree stump. "Very nice, we were happy to free you." Rayla said sarcastically. "Im sorry....I'm Aaesteria, like you said I'm a Startouch elf. Please forgive me if that comes across as rude, but since when do humans and elf get along?" "Well thats an interesting story-" "Which isn't of interest to you at the moment, why were you locked up down there and what was the huge monster ?" Rayla interrupted Callum gruffly. "Monster? You mean Hasso?" "If that's a big, hissing centipede then yes!" Aaesteria smiled. "It's a wonder he didn't kill him...Where's my dagger?" "Answer her question first. Why were you down there?" The woman remained silent and grabbed her horns. They were bigger than Rayla's. She stroked them carefully, she seemed to be thinking. "Who is the current king of Xadia?" She asked. Rayla immediately replied, "No one Avizandum is dead." "Avizandum? About 300 years. I'm glad someone killed that arrogant lizard. My brother locked me in there." sadly she looked at the water, she took a deep breath. "What have you done?" Ezran asked, and looked silent. "I haven't done anything, but my brother. I've answered your questions, now it's my turn. So why are two humans and a Moonshadow Assassin traveling together trought the world?" She asked interested, pulling her hair out of her coat. Callum's eyes almost fell out when he saw the shiny long hair. "Are you a mage?" "Yes, an Archmage." Rayla's eyes widened in surprise. First this woman was over 300 years old, and now an Archmage? "We bring the queen of the dragons her egg!" Ezran grabbed his backpack and pulled the egg out a bit. Bait glowered annoyed. She gasped. "I haven't seen that in a long time...For a really long time...Whats youre all Names?" She asked. "Im Callum!" "Rayla." "If you allow it, I can accompany you all."

"We don't even know her! She could plan something else!" ''But she's nice!" ''And an Archmage! She can help us!" Rayla looked at the two angrily. "She is a being with a connection to the stars! Why should such an unusual being help us?" "The queen knows where my brother is, at least I think so. And I'd like to see him hatch, you don't see something like that every year!" Aaesteria, who was sitting on the ground teasing Bailt, meant. "I owe you one, who knows how long else I would have been down there? Where is my dagger? Don't tell me the stupid thing still down there, I'm definitely not going to get it!"

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