Chapter 8

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After a while the two elves came back. Aaesteria smiled as always. Only Rayla seemed a bit disturbed. "It's okay, there was nobody. We have to move on!" Rayla said in a shaky voice. "Is everything alright? You saw something!" "She-" "Don't worry, Rayla stumbled into a spider web and got scared!" the elf interrupted Rayla. "Yes she is right." She mumbled and nodded.

After a few minutes, Ezran suddenly cried out loudly and pointed into the darkness. ,,There! There's a face!" he yelled, startled, and Rayla drew her blades, she looked at it. Nothing but gloom. Rayla snapped her swords back into place, false alarm. "We're being watched... Do you want to turn back...?" Alice exclaimed, slightly startled. "No! We have to go on, they won't turn back! Come what may! The egg doesn't have much time left!" Callum said stubbornly. Aaesteria stopped. Something was wrong... She felt nauseous and her vision blurred for a few seconds. "Asta?! Is everything okay?" Callum asked worried. "Yeah, alright, I was just thinking." She lied and smiled reassuringly. "We should take a short break-" "No, no, Callum is right! We have to continue, don't worry!" The others nodded and walked on. Rayla went in front to make way for them, the other elf ran behind Ezran. After a little while they encountered a heap of dense cobwebs. Alice dismounted when everyone stopped. "Hm..." Rayla considered. "Can't you just cut them?" Callum asked. Rayla just said, "I think it's better if we go around it..." The wolf stalked off and sniffed the ground, then just whimpered. "I don't think there's any other way..." Rayla sighed. "Then let's find out who did that here..!" Before she cut through it, a blue light flashes to her crushed crystal lay in her hand. She gently blew him in the

Air. "Yours?" She nodded enthusiastically.

After wading through the cobwebs for a few minutes, the light began to squeak and spin wildly. Aaesteria made a clicking noise but didn't help. "What's wrong with your little friend?" Alice asked, stretching her fingers towards the ball of light. "Don't touch it. I think- Oh shit!" Aaesteria had turned around and now saw the huge spider beast. "Fulminis!" Callum shouted, sending a bolt of lightning into the giant spider. It exploded, and Callum started screaming, "Did I get her?! She's probably in my hair!" Aaesteria laughed loudly, and then broke into a loud cough. "Asta!" Ezran patted her back as she slid to the floor. "I didn't choke Ez!" she brought out of her cough. "Something's the matter Asta!" She raised her hand. "Listen! There's something!", She coughed. A sickening wet sound came from above them and a spider jumped to the ground. It was just as gigantic as the previous one.

Aaesteria couldn't move anymore, her lungs hurt and they felt like they were about to be torn apart. Ava pulled her onto her back as they all ran for cover from the massive beast. They fell behind a large tree, Aaesteria's coughing stopped. "How do we get past her now? And what about Aaesteria?" "I'm fine!", she whispered out of breath. "Where's your light part?" She just shrugged and leaned against the tree. "We have to be careful, if we get caught in the nets we're dead!" Rayla said get through it!" "Wait a minute!" Ezran said and looked at the thing. It made squeaky noises but no spider noises. "Something's wrong there" "Good Ezran...", Aaesteria whispered, knowing she had noticed it too, she had to admitting that she fell for it too. "But it's good for us!"

,,What now? Should we turn around and look for another way?" the girl asked. "Nothing will happen to us! We can just walk past her!" Ezran said motivated. "What do you mean that now?" Aaesteria gasped to remark something. "It's an illusion, spiders don't make such noises. They hiss, not crackle!", Aaesteria said with a grin. 'I'm going there!' Ezran called and ran. 'Ezran wait!' Callum cried in shock and ran after him. "God you can't even-" Rayla wanted to say, but a blunt noise stopped her, Aaesteria had collapsed.

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