Chapter 17

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''I don't know yet.... But I'm sure he did it because of something important. He would never hurt me like that on purpose!" A loud crash stopped the group. "What's going on up there anyway?" asked Aaesteria, wanting to distract from the actual topic. "The storm is really strong, we probably have to dock somewhere - WOAH" A strong wave hit the ship and Aaesteria literally flew into the wood of the ship. "Holy shit!" she cursed and rubbed her head. "Is everything ok?" Rayla shouted over the sound of the waves. "Yes I'm fine!" The ship came to an abrupt stop and Rayla helped the Startouch elf to her feet. "Rayla, you're a darling," Aaesteria sighed, wiping the dust off her dress. It was damn dusty in here, didn't that damn pirate know how to dust? "Yes I know." Rayla smiled and the four left the shelter. "Made it! Squawk!" Aaesteria whistled approvingly. "You trained the cattle well." "Did he just say the word 'squawk'?" That was Ezran's only question.

Aaesteria dropped onto one of the crates. "That went wrong." The Pirate laughed. "Well, we didn't beat the storm. We have to wait it out below deck!" He said, and went to the stairs that led to the belly of the ship. Aaesteria secretly hoped that he would fall down, that would have been funny. But of course he didn't, and Ezran followed him below deck. "Hooray. We're wet a miserable and we've saved no time at all." She sighed and wanted to follow the others, but Callum didn't seem to make any effort to move away from the railing. "Hey, are you coming or what? " "Yeah I agree." Rayla just scoffed and sat down on the railing. The two of them didn't seem to notice that Aaesteria was still sitting on top of a box and watching the two of them. Her poison green eyes seemed to really shine. "I know that face. I'ts the "stupid idea, face." He smiled gently. A slight smile also formed on Aaesteria's lips. It seemed as if something could become of them. An elf and a human, how scandalous. She giggled internally, this could be really fun. "Everytime the lightning strikes, I can feel something" Rayla raised an Eyebrow. "Yeah, me, too. It feels good not to be struck by lightning." He shook his head excitedly. "No! I mean feels like it did when I used the fulminis spell. Maybe if I'm brave enough to go into it, and face the storm, that's how I make the connection." ,,Or it'll blow ya up until you're death. Go ask Aaesteri, a human can't be born with a connection to an Arcanum." "Rayla is not wrong. I've never heard of such a case myself, let alone witnessed it." The two of them jumped in shock. "How long have you been sitting there, Asta?" She laughed amused. "All along." Hasty footsteps that could only have come from Ezran came up the stairs. Zym hissed excitedly when he heard the lightning. "What a sweet thing," Aaesteria sighed. ,,Lake? Zym gets it. He can feel it, too." Ezran picked up the little dragon. "You really wanna go out there, don't you?" Zym whimpered. Rayla immediately shook her head. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'ts one thing to stupidly risk your own stupid human life, but we are not going to let you risk the life of the future King of the Dragons." Aaesteria watched the scene with pleasure. She definitely wouldn't get bored with this small group "I would be more worried about Callum's stupidity than the prince's. After all, nothing will happen to him in the storm, but that wouldn't do our other prince any good." "Let him do what he wants, he's too stupid and stubborn to notice." Rayla murmured and sat down on the wet box next to Aaesteria. They watched, Rayly did so very disapprovingly, as Ezran handed the little dragon over to Callum As Callum left the ship, Rayla shouted after him: "If you die out there, I swear I'll kill ya!"

Aaesteria view:

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked really worried. "Nothing will happen to him, don't worry. The worst thing that can happen is if he catches a cold." "OR he falls and breaks his neck!" Aaesteria laughed. "Don't be like that!"

Narrators view:
The little dragon lay curled up in the young prince's arms. "Callum, what happened?" Ezran asked worriedly. We went into the heart of the storn, and Zym got struck by a lightning...." Rayla and Ezran gasped at the same time. "But I think he's ok!" The dragon turned and beamed happily at the two of them. Relieved, Ezran laughed and took the little prince. Rayla sighed in relief, she had already been close to calling Aaesteria. Small lightning bolts hissed out of her Mouth of the little dragon, he must have had a little hiccup from the shock. Although the dragon was fine, something seemed to be bothering Callum. "What's wrong?" Rayla asked worriedly. "I feel stupid. You were right." "Callum..." "I could have gotten Zym killed, I put us both in danger for nothing. And worst of all, when we were in the center of the storm I thought I wanted this badly enough, but in the end I didn't have the guts." Rayla gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "Good." She murmured, pulling him into a tight hug. Surprised, but not averse, he gently hugged her back.

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