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It was a perfectly normal day, a typical Saturday morning. On days like these the dinner rush was painful. And though it hadn't compared to the stories other people had when doing the morning shift it still made him exhausted. Tommy shuddered at the idea of having to work that time of day.

Of course, he had never had to. His boss Puffy was a lovely woman, she treated her workers almost like her family. She knew he had to go to school in the mornings, therefore, she never scheduled him for work in the mornings or afternoons.

Work was never something Tommy loved, but the friends he had made were the only thing keeping him from snapping. And the fact that if he did snap, he would probably be in a jail cell. Some would say he had anger issues but Tommy never believed that was true.

He honestly wished he had some sort of fancy power like the heroes had. Like Dream, who could fly, teleport, and even levitate things. Or even 404 who seemed to glitch in and out of reality, the man was used as a support, though he often got involved in the fights if necessary.

Another thing 404 could do was create a glitching effect on wounds and make them physically disappear. It seemed impossible. Hearthfire however, was the third member of the dream team, he could summon and wield fire, using it as a shield and manipulating it into a solid form.

Tommy always thought the other two outdid him in many ways, the hero's power was just a powerful fire ability. He was born without power, just like so many others. It was rare to get powers, and even then, some refused to use them for good.

He couldn't count how many times he had seen a villain on television, using their powers to rob buildings, murder people, and even attack heroes. The best-known ones were Icarus, Thanatos, and Zephyrus; they were often referred to altogether as the SBI. It was a cute name, too cute for villains. It stood for Sleepy Bois Inc. it was weird for villains to call themselves that. No one could quite pinpoint the origins of the name.

Two men entered near the end of the rush, they waited patiently to be seated, but no one approached them. Tommy was carrying the food from another table and set their food down first before going to talk to them.

"Good evening" he called to them, the two looked at him, one of them seemed pissed off but the other was welcoming. The nicer man returned his greeting, though Tommy had a habit of being an asshole, Puffy made him act nice to customers.

The man who responded nicely was a tall man with short, fluffy, brown hair, he was at least over 6' and his eyes were warm, milk chocolate, brown. His companion, however, was shorter, about 5 '8, with long, straight, pink hair twisted into a long, messy braid.

The other's eyes laid into him, their ruby sheen glimmering, Tommy's instincts told him it was a bad idea to talk to these two but he needed to do his job. Breathing in, then back out to steady his breathing he sighed, "what can I do for you today?" Tommy asked.

The taller one gave him a sweet smile, which calmed Tommy's nerves over the brunette's companion. "A table for two please" he responded, "alright let me get you seated then" Tommy reached into the desk and pulled out two menus, "follow me".

He turned and made his way through the crowded restaurant, this was only the first half of the rush, and he was glad he didn't have to do it entirely. Tommy's shift clipped onto the beginning half of it and his friend's shift started on the ending half.

He stopped at a table and turned to make sure the two were following and set the menus onto it. The shorter man huffed at the teen and slipped into the booth, sighing, the brunette slid into the other side. "I'm sorry for my brother, I made him angry earlier so he's a bit indignant".

"I'll give you a moment to choose what you wish to drink". The brunette grabbed the menu and started sifting through the cornucopia of drinks. Though the other didn't move, he sat there with his arms crossed over his chest.

Tommyinnit's Tome Of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now