Chapter 19 - Grand plans

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Icarus had led him to a pretty nice building in Las Nevadas, near the center, by the four towers. It wasn't as lit up as Icarus cared not for the fancy propaganda and signs littering the roof. So he had them removed.

Tommy didn't come to Las Nevadas unless he needed something like gear, or replacements for things that came to villain work. Seeing Icarus' nice yet dark admiral blue house among the brightly lit buildings seemed so weird to him.

The building itself seemed alot larger on the inside than the out, it was quite a curious phenomenon. It looked alot like a meeting room where people would gather to hang out with each other.

Chairs were everywhere with the occasional table, the carpets were a tannish brown and the walls were painted cerulean. The roof itself was dome shaped and had a skylight across a large mass of the center.

There were bookshelves, game consoles, a large wine cabinet absolutely filled to the brim with different types of alcohol. There was a bar on the other side for more custom alcoholic beverages.

Lamps lined the walls casting a blue glow down on to the room, it seemed cozy. For a villain. There were pictures of villains and a couple vigilantes lining the room. In one picture there was the SBI, 3 people he didn't know about, and the hero Warden.

For some reason the unknown seemed familiar, but he couldn't place where he'd seen them. It was an older picture and had kind of faded a bit in its frame. "Icarus? I've never seen these people before" he called, gaining the attention of the villain, who was pouring himself a drink.

He came up beside him and hummed, "oh those are three vigilante friends of mine, their names are Chaos, Wasp, and Corpse, well Corpse is more like a villain but still".

He knew they'd seemed familiar; he remembered hearing about them on the news a few years ago. Corpse got caught by 404 and was sentenced to prison, but the girls had snuck in and broke him out.

After that the three just.. Disappeared. The cops believed it to be the work of Chaos herself, though it seemed the vigilante didn't know the extent her powers could reach.

Cops found themselves scratching their heads in confusion when anything came to her. As she seemed to defy all logical and physical reasoning, she and Wasp were young, maybe around 14 at the time.

It takes guts to throw themselves into the world of supers at such a young age, but they handled themselves well. Not much was known about the three, other than they were good friends.

Icarus let himself fall onto a large black couch, he bounced a bit from the impact and his cup hit the table quite hard. The villain lay there sprawled out on the leather, and just stared at the mess spreading across the glass and shrugged.

At least as best as you could in an awkward position with your limbs moving every which way like a ragdoll. "What do you want Icarus?" Tommy asked, the villain huffed out a laugh, twisting one of the cyan metal pieces on his sleeves.

The blonde knew they were most likely loose for a purpose, but the villain never used them so there was no chance for Tommy to study it. Icarus sat up and leaned back against the arm of the couch with his legs hooked over the other side.

Tall bastard... Tommy thought to himself, the man was a giant, the brunette smiled as he stared at the other with amusement. "What?" at the others anger the top villain's smug grin.

"I advise you to tread lightly when talking to a dangerous criminal in that way," Tommy snorted and rolled his eyes. "Just get on with it, you bastard". Icarus let out a sigh of defeat, running his fingers through the fluffy mess of curls on his head.

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