Chapter 32 - Welcome Home Theseus

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Note: This is also being posted on Ao3 under my account CloudedInk.

By now the sun was beginning to set and Tommy was worried about how Dream would react to him vanishing out of the blue. He didn't remember how he knew the three in the videos and pictures, or why he remembered things that obviously didn't happen. Was Grian right? Were they his family?

No, that can't be right. He and Grian had lost so much bonding time and Dream had been the one to basically adopt him into his family. It felt nice living with Tubbo, Foolish, and Puffy. At that point he felt like he finally belonged. However, today was so strange, it made him question reality in the moment, was this all some sort of dream? Would he wake up in his room with Ranboo shaking him awake, complaining that he'd slept through his alarm again?

But even now, his heart was calling for those three men. He wanted to be engulfed in one of those warm, tight hugs the brunette would give him. He closed his eyes, letting Grian lead him through Pogtopia. The city that Tommy knew by heart. He knew where they were even with his eyes closed. His heart was racing as Grian stopped just at the edge of the Badlands. Tommy opened his eyes and turned to look at his brother.

"Grian, why are we here? This is the Badlands, they aren't very fond of visitors unless you catch Devil in a good mood" Grian smiled fondly at the other, "they'll only get upset if we get caught, so quiet down." The smaller blonde didn't wait for the response as he stepped into the overgrown plants.

Slowly they made it through, using the plants as cover incase they were close to being caught. Suddenly, the plants stopped and turned to a large dirt patch with buildings that were falling apart dotted around. Grian glanced around before he gestured for Tommy to follow.

They made their way around, keeping close to the plants. Grian stopped and gestured to a building which wasn't far from here. When Tommy opened his mouth to speak, Grian slapped a hand over his mouth. With his other hand he placed a finger over his own mouth.

Now Tommy could hear the faint sound of approaching voices. He held in a shriek as Devil dropped from the top of the trees above them. Grian grabbed the other, pulling him down to a crouch. Diamond followed closely behind he awkwardly made his way down a tree. He was visibly panting and out of breath meaning he might have been running. Both villains were silent as the voices got closer. The tall man lashed his tail, obviously not seeming to be in the best mood. His glowing white eyes narrowing.

Diamond dusted himself off, now the voices were much closer to them and the bushes began to rustle. It was a split second motion. One minute there was someone was coming out the next there was a blue shard embedded in a tree. Just mere inches away from meeting Dream's head. Feline let out a loud yowl, the fur on the tips of his tail and ears on end causing them to look puffier than usual.

"Watch where you throw those things!" Feline hissed, Diamond however was just staring at his bleeding arm. Looking over the part where he had ripped off a diamond shard. The spot already seemed to be healing, with crystal acting as skin and melding the wound back together.

Diamonds blue eyes landed on Dream, he was not pleased to see a hero in his part of the city. "What do you want Dream?" The man snapped, crossing his arms. Devil's tail was still lashing in anger, he also wasn't pleased to have the hero here.

Dream raised his hands, "relax, i'm just looking for my apprentice. He was supposed to be back home an hour ago and he never showed up. I'm worried about him." Devil looked confused, "Vision? He's a young adult who can handle himself, i've seen it first hand. All you've been doing is babying that poor guy for the past couple months."

The hero was not pleased to hear that, Diamond spoke up. Gesturing with his non bleeding arm for Feline to join them. The cat hero did, making his way across the clearing to stand by the brunette. "You really don't need to breathe down his neck like that, let the kid wander around without you constantly needing to know where he is, theres a such thing as privacy and personal space. You ever heard of it?" He spat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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