Chapter 3 - Horrifying day

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It had been a few weeks since the incident Tommy had with the top hero Dream. He was free to go home after a couple days since 404 seemed to never leave the hero's side any longer. It was a relief because Techno glared at him alot and Wilbur wouldn't stop talking.

He had anticipated punching the loquacious man in the face, just for how much he talked. Meanwhile, Zespri had finished the designs and sent Tommy home to look over them.

Tommy went over the high variety of costumes. There were several drawings Zespri made, all in the color red, or dark shades of blue or gold. There were a few that piqued his interest.

One. A white dress shirt with blue, red, and gold details on the cuffs. A red sleeveless coat, black pants, and dark red knee high boots with similar details in the same gradient color on the top. With a red mask with black engravings in it.

Two. a black long sleeve shirt, with a collar that raised up to the top of the neck. Bordered by white on the cuffs. A dark blue jacket with gold lining. The pants were ripped, yet still a simple grey. The boots however ran up to mid calf and were a beautiful gold. And a gas mask to cover the defining features.

The third however, was more like Tommy, a deep ruby shade of red for the shirt. It had a simple black jacket, it had no fancy details though and the boots were a beautiful crimson. The mask in question was a normal face cover which was pulled up to cover the mouth and nose.

He thought for a moment, taking a piece of paper and trying his best to redraw the third outfit as best he could. He swapped the mask for the gas mask, and gave the boots the details of the first outfit.

The outfit was quite gorgeous and seemed to shine even though it was just a drawing.

Tubbo was out at the moment, and he thought he'd have time to make the outfit in peace. His roomate often worked on machines in his room, it was like a hobby of his. But the man's power was being a bee, he could fly, paralyze you with his weapon. But not much else really.

Ranboo on the other hand had a more rare power, teleportation wasn't found commonly among a lot of people. The man towered over him at a tall 6 '6, of course it hurt Tommy slightly. He was 6 '3 but people often called him short. Tubbo had told him he was nothing above 6 '1 which kinda annoyed him.

When he checked the time, he realized that he needed to get to work, he worried that his boss would chew him out if he was late.

Sighing, he slid the drawing into his bag, he would bring it to Zespri after work. He made sure to stuff the other three into it as well.


Working at a coffee shop was a lot better than the restaurant. The owner Boomer was pretty chill as long as you gave him notice when you were out, making coffee wasn't bad. It was alot less stressful than dealing with rude customers angry with their food.

Whenever a Karen came through, if they even tried to be rude to the employees, Boomer would be on them. Tommy couldn't count the amount of Karen's Boomer removed from the coffee shop. One even got banned which was funny.

He'd been told interesting things about people passed through every now and again. It had only been a few weeks at his new job, and nothing particularly interesting happened. Aside from the entertaining arguments between Boomer and some rude lady.

It had even broken into a fight, but Boomer swiftly ended it using his ability. He could leap higher than normal. Which was useful getting to higher places without opposition.

During one of his shifts he heard a quiet ring of the doorbell, he sighed knowing he'd have to act like he'd rather be working than anything else. When he braced himself he turned around to see not a normal civilian but a villain. One of the SBI members, Zephyrus.

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