Chapter 12 - Solid evidence

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Dream made his way up the tower scanning each keypad as he climbed the steps. Passing minor and major heroes, each gave a polite response to him pressing his keycard to the elevator scanner.

The screen turned green and made a ding as the doors opened. He stepped inside feeling the warm air flowing through it, they closed behind him and started rising.

As soon as he reached the top he stepped back out of it. His office sat smack dab in the middle of the hallway at the end. Offices lined the hall around him and he passed by occasionally seeing a hero working on their computer or teaching a vigilante what to do to get a license.

Things went pretty simply on the top floor, vigilantes could become heroes, as long as they had been chosen and had the correct mentor for them. But rarely were vigilantes good enough in Dream's eyes to become a hero.

Except one, Tommy innit, also known as Tome, he was a 18 year old college dropout who lives with his roommate Tubbo. He was interesting to say the least, Dream had studied him for a while now. He had been the only vigilante in years to be compatible with Dream as a mentor.

The last one was inconveniently killed by a villain in an accident for being too close. It was honestly their fault they got killed, if they weren't ready for death they weren't ready to be a hero.

The last apprentice had been quite the disappointment to him, he hoped Tommy would not fail him all the same. He pushed his grand doors open and was surprised to see his chair facing towards the window. He could have sworn it was looking at the desk before he left to patrol. Unless...

"Hello George" he said cheerfully, sliding his mask off his face and fixing his messy hair to be a bit more presentable. George or 404, spun the chair around and sat there almost disappointed.

He sat with his arms crossed over his chest and his leg crossed over the other. Dream frowned, "what is it, did i do something wrong?" he asked, his head reeling with all the things he had done.

He was still in deep shit after trying to kidnap Tommy that night, to say George was not happy, was a slight understatement and massively trivialized. But that mindset made him able to sleep at night. George was very serious about his job and he screamed at Dream for hours.

He didn't even let Dream rationalize with the man, he was fucking pissed, he was upset at him and wouldn't say a thing to or about him for weeks after. George cared for every civilian lost and personally mourned them.

Dream would have said something about how insignificant it was if he hadn't had a deep crush on the man. George would have gotten upset again, he would have yelled, he would have screamed.

He would have done something brash if Dream even tried to say that civilian lives were trivial. But it was true, they only ever got in the way, so would claim he was corrupt, but he claimed his opinions were rational.

He held three colorful files in his hands and Dream's stomach dropped "the fuck is this Dream?" he scowled deeply. They were labeled Mega, 404, and Tome, how he found those was a mystery, but he would find out.

He tried to snatch them out of his hands by leaning over the desk but George pulled away before he could. "You didn't read those right?" he asked through a sweat covered face. "Oh I very much did, and I wondered why one of them was labeled for me, so I opened mine".

"Who gave those to you?!" he yelled, "Don't fucking worry about that! Worry about your fucking ass when the media finds out about this" he hissed back making Dream flinch.

"George-" he tried before the man in question cut him off. "No! You're still in deep shit with me right now, and then you pull this. These files are years old, and they've been regularly updated. This! This is an invasion of other people's privacy!" his voice rising as he spoke.

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