Chapter 16 - The moon rises

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Tommy sighed as he collapsed backwards onto the couch, he froze when he saw a gorgeous outfit in the middle of the living room. It wasn't his since the coloration and patterning was wrong.

It was mostly black with dark blue and purple spiraling, Time's official symbol the green-blue swirl sat on the back of the cape. On the front, the symbol was on the hood and the bottom left of the coat.

"Karl, Callahan, what's this about?" he asked, "oh i see you've found my villain outfit, i'll debut in this in about a few weeks time" he stated. "Really?" he asked, "yep and once yours is done so will you".

Tommy stopped in his tracks turning to look at Karl, sensing his confusion the light brunette continued. "Zespri got in touch with me through a man named Desmond. He believes it is time for you to debut as a villain, he thinks you've had a perfect amount of time as a vigilante, about a year and a half, maybe two"

"But what about Alien and Flashback?!" he gasped, the man smiled as he responded"I can get in touch with them if you want?" Tommy shook his head vigorously, "no no, i don't want to get them involved with this" he said.

The idea of them finding out shook him to the core, they were going to think he abandoned them. Maybe he should stick to being a vigilante. Yeah that would be good.

Memories flooded through his brain, of his aunt, the wife of his abusive uncle, she was nothing like him. Kind eyes, a warm smile, she spoke softly as she would take care of the wounds his uncle inflicted.

"Tommy you should really learn to fight back" she would say, Tommy would reason with her saying things like "but i don't know how to fight. And I won't like it, he'll only hurt me worse" he pleaded.

But she would continue smiling and raise her hand to rest on Tommy's shoulder, he would alway calm at her touch. He missed her warm gaze and touch. "Tommy, you won't automatically know whether you like or hate something. The best thing you can do is try, and if anything goes wrong i will protect you"

And she did, every time his uncle tried something she would argue until they broke their relationship off. They got divorced when he turned 16 and she took him to court for full custody of him.

He chose to live with her but she only had primary custody, she needed it all if she wanted to keep him safe, and she won. It was the most exciting thing in his life.

And he lived with her up until halfway through his 17th year, when she needed to move to Evolution city all the way across the country. She often texted him with encouraging words and phrases.

They were never able to see each other since her work was stressful and kept her busy but he was fine with those encouraging words. That was how he came to move in with his best friend at the time Tubbo.

His thoughts were burned away and his blood ran cold as the man in front of him laughed, "Too late," he claimed, the blonde's head whirled, Karl had sent a message to his friends. Would they be angry? Would they leave him like Halictidae and Ender "Karl! What the fuck" Tommy yelled, but Callahan slammed a hand over his mouth. The blonde sent a glare at the brunette who only glared back.

Then Tommy got an evil idea, he stuck his tongue out and licked the man's hand making him jerk back with a disgusted glance.

Tommy smirked, the man glared at him and ran to the kitchen, presumably to wash his hands. Karl had his arms crossed over his chest with a frown. "What?" he asked, the man smiled and shook his head, "he deserved it!" Tommy screamed.

"Now why the hell did you-" but Tommy cut Karl off, "Why the hell did you send an email to them!" he hissed.


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