Chapter 6 - Vigilante Life Isn't That Bad Is It?

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3 weeks had passed since the SBI's break-in into the Agency, and 2 since Tome's debut as a vigilante. Things had been pretty easy so far, no encounters with licensed heroes, no villains.

Only the occasional petty criminal who thinks they can get away with crime. On the south side, it was notably rougher than the north side where the heroes mostly patrolled.

Heroes like Divinity or Reynard would never dare step foot in the south end of town. They wouldn't allow their faces to be seen in the poor side of Pogtopia, the heroes stuck to patrolling the more fancy, rich side of the city.

Of course, Tommy lived there now, among those people but his heart told him to protect the place most vigilantes did. He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a radio that was totally his and turned it on.

Static came over it at first before it became slightly distorted voices then clear. "Time to find some crime" he smirked as he spoke to himself softly.

Nothing much came over the speaker for a while, the sky was still dark overhead, there was a police chase, and a few petty crimes that honestly weren't worth his time.

But nothing else much, he stopped himself as he went to turn off the radio for a small break, some police chatter was heard over the speaker, their tones frantic and full of urgency.

"10-65 Awesamdude's bank, all available units respond immediately" a woman's voice came through, her tone full of authority. Probably a higher-up "10-4" came as a response.

The bank was on the edge of the south side but not crossing the border into the north, though both sides used it as their usual bank. It was reliable and right up Tommy's alley, he smirked "well, guess I'm stopping a bank robbery".

His voice changer wasn't all too different from his actual voice just deepened to make him sound slightly older than he actually was. People often mistook him for the same age as a man in his mid-20s, though he was only 18.

He stretched to make sure his body was ready for the fight that was sure to come and leaped over the railing into the alleyway below. He slipped on his gas mask and made sure it was tight to his skin.

He slipped up the hood of his outfit over his head to cover his messy blonde hair and made his way up the street. The only light around was the natural luminousness of the moon and the unnatural light created by street lamps.

It didn't take long for Tommy to reach the bank, as it was just a few blocks away. Looking around he scanned the area for cops, there were still people inside from what he could see. Crouched down and covered their heads with their hands.

One man was on the ground losing a lot of blood. Rosethorn stood there with a gun pressed to a hostage's head. No doubt her partner Destructor was in the back grabbing the money.

He braced himself to teleport and pleaded with himself that he would appear where he needed to be. Closing his eyes he breathed deeply and felt the air suck at his skin, traveling over him, and the world around him shifted.

Within moments cool air as opposed to hot air tickled his skin, Tome opened his eyes and kicked out hard with his left leg sending rosethorn stumbling back with a yelp and a crash. She had lost her gun and it slid across the room.

Rosethorn opened her eyes and leaped up onto her feet raising her hands and sending a collage of vines toward him. He leaped to the side and brought up a shield to protect him.

He mentally winced at the sound of the vines slapping against the shield. Looking around he was happy to find that all the civilians had escaped the battle, but still Tommy lured the other out of the building. Giving them both more room.

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