Chapter 25 - Newcomer

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Note: this chapter might go by really fast, for some reason i rushed, might rewrite with mote detail at a later date. But, I've reached a point where I'm really invested, this is a place in the story line that i actually have plans for. So, hopefully, fast updates.

Wilbur awoke to the feeling of being called, he felt this weight of dread flow through his veins. When he realized Tommy wasn't in bed he shot up and panicked. He started calling for his little brother, almost running into Phil who felt the same dread.

The hall light was on, which was unusual as it was nearly three in the morning. A loud crash was heard from downstairs and Phil took off, using his wings to propel himself forward at a fast pace.

Dream had Techno by the throat, pinned to the wall with murderous intent. When he saw them, he panicked, throwing the pink haired man across the room into the hard wood table.

Wilbur ran after him as the older blonde grabbed his weak brother and tossed him over his shoulder. Tommy looked at him with confused eyes, he seemed dazed, like he didn't quite understand what was happening at that moment.

"Dream!" Wilbur yelled, attempting to use his power to stop the ex hero in his tracks. He spotted Tallulah on the roof, and she leaped forward, grabbing a hold of Tommy's hood and slipping inside.

Wilbur panicked, realizing if Dream got away he would lose Tommy and Tallulah. He called out to them, but it was no use as Dream snapped his fingers and on command, they vanished.

Wilbur hit the wall with a harsh thud, he turned fast so his arm took the hardest hit. He winced slightly, knowing his arm would be bruised later. The brunette let out a loud roar as he grabbed the closest thing to him, and threw it as hard as possible at the wall.

The picture frame he had seized was lying on the floor, glass scattered along the carpet, and the picture itself was face first, the blank back facing up. He knew what picture it was, he felt his blood begin to boil.

"Wilbur, control yourself," Phil muttered, a dark look in his green eyes. Wilbur glared before scoffing and turning for the door, "no Phil, i'm not losing anyone else" he hissed.

He turned and took off out the door, almost running into a short blonde with large, scarlet macaw, styled wings. He didn't stop, but he allowed his large white wings to expand to their full size.

Forcing himself to run faster, he launched himself off the ground into the air, he didn't think to get changed into his villain uniform. He was driven by his anger and frustration.

He had no clue why, but he headed straight for Pandora's vault. His large white wings carried him along the deadly winds post storm. The air was still damp from the torrential rain just hours before, but he didn't care, he kept pushing, forcing himself to move faster.

He landed harshly in front of the tower's door, and burst through. Making a break for the front desk. A woman with deep brown hair and warm chocolate eyes seemed shocked.

"I need to speak to 404 and Warden, now," he said with urgency and a pleading tone in his voice. She sputtered slightly asking what his panic was about but he refused to answer, just repeating that it was an emergency.

Eventually, she did call the two, and Wilbur began to pace frantically. Phil and Techno came soon after, also out of their usual outfits, they seemed worried. 404 and Warden slowly made their way out of the elevator, gazing at the three with confused expressions.

"What's going on Kristen?" 404 asked, gazing at the woman at the desk, she pointed at Wilbur with a worried expression. "He says it's an emergency," she responded.

Warden gazed at Wilbur before his eyes widened, "wait.. Icarus?" he asked, the brunette's gaze darkened, realizing his anger drove him to forget to change. Wilbur shook the thought out of his head and became serious again.

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