Chapter 17 - A battle under red light

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Drama :)

Tommy stood atop the steps like a looming death, his blonde hair lined by his brown red mask and contrasted with golden jewelry. Screams filled the room as the wall was blasted open, Hazard's hands lowered as he stepped in beside Tome.

Gazes were drawn from every corner of the room. Their frightened eyes and horrified expressions lined the room. They were cowering in fear and hugged each other for protection.

Chronokinesis was right, what better way to make a debut than to fill your enemies with fear by the element of surprise. 404 stood there, eyes widened in shock, Dream stood beside him masked up with a hand attached to the other's upper arm.

His eyes were widened as well and he pulled away from the top two hero, but his shock quickly turned to a look of rage. He was about to move but 404 raised his arm to stop him, the top hero looked like he was about to argue.

He shut his mouth when 404 shot him a glare. "That's right, let the parents talk" Tommy sneered, his blue eyes glimmering in amusement. Dream tensed with rage, it looked as if he was about to react negatively towards them.

Which was expected but 404 had stopped him. He should listen, maybe if he didn't the top two would revoke his license indefinitely. "You first Tome" Chronokinisis whispered in his ear.

The blonde smirked and pulled his arms behind his back as he descended the steps. His shoes were heard as they thudded against the dark wood beneath his feet. It's red and gold carpet decorating its length.

Tommy flexed his maroon gloves behind his back, stretching his fingers out and tightening them again into a fist in the other hand. Chronokinisis trailed a few steps behind him with Hazard and Wisp following on a few more steps back.

"Wisp?!" Dream screamed in rage and shock glaring at the white cloaked villain, "Good evening Dream" the ex hero chuckled, stopping on an upper step and bowed. He let out a smile of pure, evil joy as he responded, he wanted Dream to be mad, he wanted him enraged.

He was predictable when angry but even not, he was easy to control. 404 was obviously horrified as he gazed up at the four. Raynard, Warden, and Captain remained a little to the left.

Hearthfire, Divinity, Leap, and Whiteout were on the upper level; the remaining heroes were nowhere to be seen, probably patrolling the city unbeknownst to the attack on the agency.

404 raised his hand to a watch on his wrist and turned it on to presumably call the heroes back, and alert them to the attack. Warden looked mortified as Tommy walked in and pulled the hero's trident  from behind his tail coat.

Time raised his hands and time slowed as Wisp was gone and appeared beside 404. He seized the watch and reappeared on the top step.

"Who are you!" Dream hissed, removing his porcelain mask to reveal another underneath it in green lined with gold. "I can't believe you've forgotten me already, after all you did stab me a little bit ago" Tommy laughed.

404 gasped, his eyes filled with tears and rage, "Dream what the fuck is wrong with you!" he hissed. "I thought I could have trusted you, but I seemed to have been sorely mistaken".

Dream looked petrified as he gazed up at the man above him, Tommy moved a few strands of hair from his face and smirked. He basked in the man's terror as he tried to salvage what little respect he had left from the pro heroes.

"Tome, stop at once" he snapped, taking a threatening step forward, if Tommy was still a kid he would have been afraid of the hero's anger. But now it only amused him, angering the ex top hero was entertainment.

However, he would never again be afraid, Tommy felt confident to call himself an enemy of Dream. This night would be for Shifter, for Ace, for Rush, for Rosethorn.

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