Come When You Call (CHP 4)

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The sound of mass confusion reverberated down the the hall into the ears of a Stoic roommate who put her headphones on.

-TV Girl

Edric was taken back for a moment. He had expected yet another round silent treatment, but he didn't expect that. 

Before he could turn to the blonde boy- Hunter. To thank him, he had already gone off, introducing himself to the horde of emotional, angsty, sweaty teens. 

He jogged slightly to catch up, hearing small parts of the speech. 

" at Evergreen Reality Check, we pride ourselves on forming you into members of society your parents will be proud of..." Hunter was more than likely reading some pre-written script, but it sounded so heartfelt and emotional, as if he believed it wholeheartedly, though no one else felt the same way.

 "...that concludes my part of this orientation. Meet your other counselor, Edric."

 He gestured for him to come up. The camp was dead silent, No clapping or applause. What a crowd. 

After getting through his painstakingly awkward and unprepared speech, Hunter told the camp to listen for their names as he called out their cabin numbers. After that, they could orient themselves, as he put it.

He started reading from the list as Edric scanned the crowd. His younger sister was supposed to be here. Their mother believed she was too entranced with her fantasies, causing her reality to lack and missing assignments to pile up. 

Ed didn't mind the childish obsession, talking about the story gave Mittens a reason to smile and be happy, humanize her the way her already chosen friends never could. 

But Odalia was their only parent consistently active in their life, and she was the law of the land. 

There she was. 

Her neat blonde hair, which had been bleacher per Odalia's request, was slicked back into a half ponytail, the rest of her hair flowing to her nape. Her natural brown roots peeked through, as did Edric's. 

Only difference was his hair was green.

 As he listened, Amity was supposed to share a bunk with a Willow Park and a Luz Noceda.

 He guessed Luz was Hispanic and Willow was Korean based on their last names alone, but he'd rather not make any assumptions, especially not with the outburst he had with Hunter just a few moments earlier. 

Hunter wrapped up orientation entirely, dismissing both campers and Edric to their own.

Hunter watched as Edric bee-lined it for a blonde girl with brown root. He wondered about it for a minute, but let it be. 

Edric had his own life to tend and so did he. 

Some campers booked it for their bunks and others stayed nearby, greeting fellow campers and their new roommates. 

Hunter decided to speak with some of the campers. 

On his way to a group, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw a Hispanic girl with thick but short curls. Her outfit was a tad strange, but he had odd wardrobe choices as well. 

"Uhm... Hunter? Would you help me find my cabin?" 

"Oh! Of course, yeah. Uh.... what's your name?" 

"Luz. Luz Noceda." She smiled sweetly, tilting her head slightly.

Amity was of course, less than enthusiastic about her brother, and being forced to stay with him for the next few months. Hadn't she gone to not only rid her obsession, but get away from that hell-hole of a family?

Edric loved his sister, but he also loved making fun of her and he already knew these next few months were going to be great, even without Emira. 

Amity was going on and on about how unfair it was that she couldn't choose her own bunk mates. He simply rolled his eyes and followed her to the bunk. She had been stayed in Cabin Seven, which was fairly close to his own. 

Edric stared at exterior, and wondered just for a moment why he never stayed a night at this camp himself. 

Luz was an awfully chatty, but kind and sweet girl. From the ten minutes he had spent with her, he had learned her mom was Dominican, she enjoyed reading the Good Witch Azura, she failed her book report and had caused about half the rules implemented at her school.

 No wonder she had been sent here. What a character. 

They came up upon Cabin Seven, where Edric stood talking with the blondish brunette Hunter saw him with earlier. 

"Hello!! You must be Amity. I'm Luz!" The brown-skinned girl greeted her, running up to Amity.

 Luz held out her hand, eager to meet the new girl. The girl, Amity, slapped her hand away which was in turn answered by Edric. He gently hit her on the back of the head, not at all hard enough to even begin to hurt her, just as a loving gesture. 

He mumbled something to her, which seemed to fix the attitude. She rolled her eyes but plastered on a small smile. 

"My bad, reflexes. But you're right. I'm Amity Blight, and I'm guessing you're that Luz Noceda girl?"

The girls started some small chat and Edric leaned on the building, watching.

Amity had lovely, deep amber eyes that were slitted into what was categorized as siren eyes. He glanced over at Edric. He had the exact same eyes that she di-

.... oh.

 They're siblings, Hunter realized. How had he not seen it? 

He pulled his phone out, quickly glancing down at the time. It was six o'clock already?

 Campers HAD arrived a bit later than they had in previous years, and speeches did take a solid bit of time out of the day. 

"Edric, its six. We should let the campers do whatever they want until bedtime."

 Edric nodded and got up, ruffling his sister's hair as he went off. 

Blonde strands stuck out, which she quickly smoothed back again. Hunter chuckled slightly as Amity's face turned pink in her rage and embarrassment. 

If Edric was as nice as he seemed with his sister, perhaps this won't be so bad.

Maybe they even had the chance to become friends, maybe even become good enough friends to keep talking after the summer ended.

999 words 

Reality Check - A Huntric/Goldric Based FicWhere stories live. Discover now