Act Like You Never Met Me (CHP 40 - FINALE)

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The hidden kisses, the clumsy conspiratory glance. But I don't really mind it though. I always like the way you danced. It's so easy to do, so much simpler than the one we did before. Just point out your toe at someone you know and pretend that they're not.

-TV Girl

"Mami! We have to get going... Edric and Hunter are throwing that huge party at their place remember?" Luz Noceda had finally managed to graduate high school. Her mother was saying her goodbyes, tearing up slightly as she hugged her now adult daughter.

"I know mija... It just hurts, seeing you and your brother grow up so quickly!" Her eyes were watering as she held Luz's much more spindly body against her own.

"It's the four year anniversary since the Day of Unity, you know this... We can't be late." She smiled slightly.

Her palisman, Stringbean, squeaked adorably. Luz giggled, nuzzling faces with the snake-shifter.

"Go on, Stringbean, make sure to grab, everyone, okay? You can travel between realms, just this once." She giggled, setting the palisman free.

Stringbean quickly shifted her form into that of a bird, fluttering out an open window as the Nocedas began to the door, eager to drive up to the previous camp site.

She fluttered through the clear, light blue skies, enjoying the breeze. She swooped down at a home with an open garden system, two fathers there.

"Hello, Stringbean.." Gilbert greeted the creature with a warm smile, standing as he held onto his husband.

"Willow will be just out- she won't be missing the party." Harvey chuckled, tilting his head on top the much smaller man's. He hand fed her a fresh, ripe cherry tomato that had just been plucked, causing a squeal of enjoyment.

Willow burst out the back patio, her staff in her hand. Her hair was cut short, curled just around her plump face. She had founded the school field hockey team, and had become much more muscular. In fact, she was wearing the team jersey- the Emerald Entrails. She hopped onto the staff, waving to her dads as she flew off, following after the palisman,

Moments later of flying across the sky, they landed in a nice suburban home, one that could have easily belonged to a rich, high-class family. Willow knocked on the door, Stringbean perched on her shoulder. 

Alador opened the door, a wide, dopey smile on his face.

"Willow, dear... Is it today already? I thought the party was so much later." He chuckled.

"Hi, Mr. Blight, yes it's today. Are you coming?" She smiled back at him, placing her hands on her hips.

"Of course! Amity told me exactly what's happening today... I wouldn't miss it for the world." He laughed, calling for both Em and Amity. The girls both showed up shortly, both very excited.

Amity's purple hair had been redyed, pulling back in a ponytail with shaved hair on the side of her head. She was wearing a goopy patterned almost button up, with flowy pants and boots.

Emira had cut her hair boy short, hugging her face even closer than WIllow's did. She wore a purple dress with white sleeves and a green brooch buttoned to one side. Amity grabbed her palisman, Ghost and turned the cat into a staff.

Em grabbed hers- a moth named Lunar that Hunter had made especially to match Sunny. While the girls boarded and Alador hopped on behind his older daughter, the group flew off to yet another house, this time with creatively made potrayals all over.

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