I'll be Faithful (CHP 36)

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How you would see having through the smug and you would how you transcended in the backseat of a car. As you said a prayer for every dare that god would come beneath the stars.

-TV Girl


Apparently, Eda had a family.

Though, typically, this wouldn't sound shocking out of context, the kids more or less assumed she was born out of an egg alongside Owlbert and Hooty. In fact, quite the opposite.

However, they only found this out when her sister Lilith showed up to their home with a bag of historian artifacts and clothes slung over her shoulder.

"Kids! This is my sister, Lily.. Be nice to her and all that. Or don't, just don't make her mad."

"..please, call me Lilith. I really don't like the name Lily." She smiled gently at the children, waving slightly.

"You guys can introduce yourself.. Lilith's the sane Clawthorne here." Raine smiled as well, glancing over at Lilith.

After each of the teens took time for a small introduction, life went back to normal... Well, besides for Lilith, She grabbed maps and books out of her bag, placing them messily across the living room table. She began to study them, looking through each ancient paper. Flapjack noticed these historical artifacts. He chirped, flying off of Hunter's shoulder to perch on the table, hopping about as he looked at the papers.

Hunter groaned as he lost his palisman to the crazy history lady. Hesitantly, he walked over, keeping his hands neatly folded in front of him. She hadn't even seemed to notice the cardinal stepping over her work so he just went to reach out for him.

"You have a beautifully old palisman, Hunter." Lilith said simply, finally looking up from her work.

"Oh, uhm... I don't think Flapjack is THAT old?" He said slowly, looking down at his bird.

"Oh, he is. He' carved by methods from very long times ago. You can tell by the knife marks in his wings and and the scar on his eye. Do you mind if I pick him up?"

"If he lets you, I guess it's fine." He shrugged, wondering what his bird had anything to do with her.

She held out a hand, onto which the cardinal climbed into. She smiled, holding his gently as she pointed to certain areas. 

"This is a very old method, typically used by wealthy carvers or older carvers... It starts with  cutting out the finer details first, like with notches in feathers before moving onto more of the bigger details on a palisman. It takes a lot of time and resources, especially if you mess up. Someone put a lot of care into your Flapjack." She handed him back, Hunter now only curious.

"...he's old. Would you say about, into the human-hunter's era old?" He asked, trying to find out more about who he was meant to be.

"Oh absolutely. You know, our great-great-great grandparents were pretty popular during that. Some say that our family had actually been apart of a few human and witch scandals." SHe whispered, clearly excited about the topic.

"...scandals? Like what?"

"Some older families say that we were the Wittebanes, but we took the Clawthorne name because one of the hunters had a bit of an affair with a human!"

Wittebane... That was his last name. Or, at least, Belos' last name.

"What was the hunter's name?" He whispered back, suddenly interested.

"Caleb.. Caleb Wittebane. Yeah, apparently he and his wife, EVelyn were looking for a way to unite the realms but Caleb was killed before they could. Rumor has it that the local museum has some information on where their last stash of Titan's blood is."

"Titan's blood? What the hell does that do?"

"It can create a portal between realms."

With that, a group meeting was set up. They all talked about how to get this set up. Without Luz, though. One thing they had all agreed on that she wouldn't be apart of it. Amity had seen on her phone that her fifteenth birthday was coming up an to give her the perfect quince, they were going to make sure she got back to the human realm to see her mom again.

Hunter opted out of the trip. For the upcoming All Hallow's Eve event, he and Edric had decided on being Frankenstein's monster and the monster's wife. Eda had managed to find a human sewing machine, which Hunter ending up adoring. Therefore, he decided to hand make their costumes. With the event just days away, he really needed to get these costumes sewn.

"Babe, are you sure you're going to be alright at home alone? I can stay here if you want." Edric whispered to him, knowing how little they had been separated AND alone.

"No, really, it's fine. I can handle a few hours on my own.. Plus, the costumes aren't even close to finished." He smiled sweetly, really believing he could be on his own.

With that, the group left, leaving Hunter behind to work.

Hunter was at the desk that was kept in his and Edric's room. Flapjack was free to roam around the room and was pecking at spots in the floor board, as he normally did. Hunter was hard at work with the sewing machine- maybe a bit TOO hard..

Concentrated on how amazing these costumes would turn out, he had been forgetting to wsatch how close his hand was to the needle. He accidentally pricked himself, drawing away with a sharp hiss of pain. 

Without a second thought, he got up to the bathroom to bandage himself and disinfected the bleeding wound. 

He sat back down, ruefully rubbing the edge of the bandage. He should have been smarter, damn it. He continued to work, making sure to keep his fingers away from the needle. Once the stabbing pain in his fingers dwindled away, he slipped off the protectant and sighed. throwing the bloodied thing away, Flapjack had stayed in a particular spot for a while. just in front of a wall mirror that had been placed against their floor.

He smiled and stood, going towards his palisman to pick him up, pausing at his reflection. So much had changed in the months they were there- his identity, his hair, his feelings... Then again, there were things that would always be there- his eye bags, his scars, his boyfriend. Even before he was a Grimwalker, Hunter had always shied away from his own reflection, especially when he used to be more feminine. This time he couldn't help but smile down at the man looking back at him.

"Y'know. I might not be who I'm supposed to be... But I like who I am now." He said with a simple sentiment.

A pile of greenish, slimy goop caught his eyes. It seemed to be what kept Flapjack so entranced as well. He bent down, using his finger to try and pick some up. He shivered, memories flashing through his mind at the sensation, causing his heart to go quicker.


After hours of searching a boring museum  for any hint on a way home, they found it. A simple map to Titan's blood, buried deep where old Boneborough once was. This was all they need! Gus quickly jotted down the path with a wide grin.

Hunter couldn't tell him he thought that he found Belos. He'd sound crazy. Belos wasn't a pile of green slime!  He sat on their bed, his leg bouncing as he racked his mind for something to do. Flapjack chittered at him, causing him to sigh. He picked up his bird, bringing him to a thin wired bird cage and setting him inside. 

"Don't worry, Flap. If Belos really is here. I'll keep you safe."

1233 words.

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