Blue Hair (CHP 14)

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She's getting older, I guess she's gotta cut her blue hair off. . . She asked me if she was pretty. Well it's clear that the girl's a fraud.

-TV Girl

Hunter and Edric were sitting on the bottom bunk, scrolling through Hunter's For You page. It was absolutely feral, as within two minutes in, they'd already seen videos of Sonic moaning. 

But they enjoyed being intertwined and being together during these later times when everyone was supposed to be in their cabins. 

However, their very peaceful cuddling time was interrupted by Amity, who slammed the door open and close and started pacing around the room, mumbling underneath her breath. 

"HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO KNOCKING?" Edric went to go throw a pillow at her but she automatically caught it.

"I think I messed everything up and I think Luz hates me and I don't what to do." She sat down next to Edric who got up, wrapping an arm around Amity. 

Flapjack flew over, landing on her shoulder and cheeping.

"I'm sure she doesn't HATE you... you're probably just being overdramatic." He patted her shoulder and Hunter nodded.

"You didn't see the way she looked in my eyes." She sobbed, hugging Edric. Edric, caught off guard, smoothed her hair.

"I.. hey.. Your roots are growing out. Want me to dye your hair again...?"

Amity sat up, sniffing. "I think I'd like to try something different, this time."

Edric nodded, as Amity explained what she wanted.

Three hours later, Hunter stood with the scissors still in his hands and they glanced between each other. "So, how does it look?" She asked.

"It looks like you're gonna be in trouble with your mom next time you Face Time her." Hunter cackled but was interrupted by Edric gently elbowing him.

"I think it looks great. But yeah, maybe don't tell mom I helped." He smiled at her.

Amity smiled at them both, her amber eyes glowing in the pale sunset. 

She had requested lavender hair. Her previously blonde locks were strewn across the floor. 

Her hair had been cut by Hunter, and it had no longer fit into the ponytail. 

It now hung loose around her face, no longer as clean and pristine as a cut as she had before.  

Suddenly a knock sounded on the door. Amity rose to get it, and she opened it to find Luz standing there.

"Look, I know I messed everything up and I'm sorry and I get it if you never want to speak to me again but- woah, your hair." She looked up and gasped, her eyes shining.

"Oh yeah, Mom always liked it blonde. I needed a change."

The two sat in silence until Luz saw Edric and Hunter in the background and waved. 

Amity turned and eyed them before turning back around and shutting the cabin door. She was handed her library employee card back and gasped. "Luz, how did you-"

"It doesn't matter. But now you can work again! I just hope that librarian doesn't hate me anymore..."

Amity giggled, holding onto the card.  "Don't worry, you have a way of sneaking into peoples' hearts." Without thinking, she quickly kissed Luz. on the cheek.

Luz gasped and turned to her; her eyes widened. Amity turned red and stumbled upon on her words. 

"I-! Well, have to go, farewell forever!" She turned and ran back into the cabin. "why'didothatwhy'didothatwhy'didothat-" She mumbled, slamming the door behind her.

 Luz stayed on the dirt outside and fell onto her knees, dirtying her black leggings.

542 words. 

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