King of Echo Park (CHP 39)

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If you can't be good, you drink in the name of art. And as the sun sets on sunset again, the stars come out, so it don't get dark.

-TV Girl

The daylight of the human realm nearly blinded their eyes. Though, they had to admit, something felt strangely... Wrong. The atmosphere tasted of sugar and childhood and what once a campground was covered in blue, pink, and yellow glitter with stars dazzling everywhere.

"What the hell is this?" Edric muttered, still holding onto him. Everything was twisted and distorted, mostly beyond recognition.

"You guys had told me your realm was overtly safe compared to ours, but I wasn't expecting childproof." Eda commented, looking around the childish realm.

"It's not meant to be like this." Luz responded to her loooking around. "We need to see what's up with the cabins. Hunter, Ed, you guys check out yours. Me, Eda, and Amity will check out mine. Gus, Willow, Raine... Check out whichever you guys wanna."

"Why don't Hunter and Edric get an adult with them?" Gus frowned. He always HATED not being taken as seriously.

"Because they're turning 18 in just a couple years... They're almost adults." She said, before dragging Amity and Eda to a cabin.

Gus, Willow, and Raine shrugged and went off to a random building, leaving the love birds alone.

"Our cabin.. We haven't seen that thing in months. What's even gonna be in there?" Hunter asked, looking at the considerably sized cabin.

"Titan, who knows? Could be wild creatures, wild campers.. I guess we just have to find out." His arm trailed down from his shoulder to hold onto his hand, smiling down at him sweetly.

Hunter smiled back up half-assed, but he was much too determined to see what was there. He dragged his boyfriend along in silence. Edric couldn't help but frown.

He just wanted to talk to him so badly. He understood he had just lost his best friend- Ed couldn't blame him for being upset. But all he was hoping for was that he'd open up about it.

Hunter hated that he was upset over Flapjack. It made sense that he was to be feeling such a way, but he still didn't like it. He was taught to never feel his weaknesses- to bury them down deeply and preferably never mention it again. But oh, how he wanted to break down and just give up...

The pair paused at the front step of the door, both anticipating whatever could be behind. Hunter took a deep breath, letting go of his boyfriend's hand as he turned the handle, slamming the door wide ope, expecting an attack-!

Nothing. The room was just as dim and warm as they had left it on the Day of Unity. Edric's bag was still on the bottom bunk. completely packed. Birdseed had stayed spilled across the desk with polaroid photos of Flapjack, Hunter and Edric decorating the walls.

Nothing had changed and nothing was there. Both immediately relaxed and shut the door behind them. Ed reached for the light switch, which had luckily flickered on and illuminated the space.

"Nothing's new and nothing's here." Edric said, looking around. He went to the bathroom, just to check. He opened the door and-


He was whacked in the head with a bat, strangely for the second time in that cabin.

Hunter gasped, before putting up both fists, getting ready to fight whoever was there.

As confusion and adrenaline cleared, a figure stood clearly.

Long, brownish, blonde hair braided to her waist.

An effeminate figure with a jersey and tights.

Yellow golden eyes and a birthmark right under an eye- holy shit.

"Edric?" Emira was astounded, dropping the bat.

"How many times does it take me getting hit in the face in this cabin with a bat, ow?" He was still suffering in pain, before he recognized his twin's voice. "...Emira??"

The twins both rejoiced as they realized who they were looking at. They squealed in unison, throwing arms around each other.

"ED! Holy shit- I missed you so much!" She had tears welling up her eyes, squeezing her brother tightly.

"I missed you too, Em. I was so worried." He laughed, pulling away from her.

"YOU were worried? How the hell do you think I felt? You can't just run off like that for months on end without letting me know- is that Hunter?" Her rant was cut off by the blonde in the background who had been awkwardly standing there.

"Yeah! Hunter, say hi to my twin sister.. Em, say hi o my boyfriend." He stepped out of both of their ways, excited to finally introduce the two.

Hunter stepped forward, a bit nervous. He chuckled,reaching out a shaky hand to shake hers. She smiled, shaking her hand. The first thing he had noticed was that, like Edric, she had incredibly soft and nimble hands. After what seemed like a firm handshake and plenty of silence afterwards, Em finally spoke up.

"Soo... where have you two been for what, three months?"

Edric took a deep breath and began to explain.

It was hard, trying to tell the wonders of another land to a girl already heavily sheltered in this one.

The spells cast by witches and demons alike soaring through the air and the ground.

The landscapes of beautifully different plants and people.

The horrors of a realm undaunted and unseen by humanity.

The beauty in it all.

Emira tried her best to understand, to comprehend all that had happened over the thirty minutes was using to explain. Ed and Hunter both already knew she didn't understand the way they did and maybe she never would.

Not unless they were to defeat Belos.

"So... That's what happened to us." Edric finished his story off with a sigh, leaving out parts about sneaking out, getting involved in Boiling Isles crime, and the concealment stone.

"What happened with the camp? Because, uh, with Belos not exactly being fit to run this place, I'm pretty sure this is my property now." Hunter asked Emira with a bit of a salty tone.

She took a deep breath, explaining her side of what happened over the last few months.

The Collector turning people into puppets.

Everything around them twisting and distorting.

Campers hiding in the cabins-

"Woah, woah. The campers are still here??" Ed cut him off, a bit shocked.

"...yes?" She said. "Wait,  please, PLEASE don't tell me you sent anyone else into those cabins.."

"Uh oh."

As it turned out, the other groups that had went into the cabins had also nearly been jumped by the campers who hadn't recognized them at first.

However, the groups quickly regrouped in the main field and everyone was able to reunite, especially Amity and Emira.

For the moment, all was calm.

1085 words.

Reality Check - A Huntric/Goldric Based FicWhere stories live. Discover now