for reader's information

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As you cann tell, I've been very good with just barely altering the timeline and writing Edric in as apart of the friend group. 

However, in the finale, none of the friend group plays a significant part until the end credits.

Because I made this as a goldric fic and I dont wanna rewrite a whole ass episode just for funsies when people are able to watch it and fit in with our timeline fairly well, im not gonna be rewriting the events of watching and dreaming besides for the credits..

is this lazy? probably but i also dont even wanna test getting sued or copyrigthed for just rewriting a disney episode-they get AGGRESSIVE with their shows.

so theres just one more chapter happening noxt week while i figure out how i want it to end. thank you for sticking around as long as you have!!

with love-

oli (author)

casper (editor)

ps- im hoping to start other writing projects here soon and if anyone has any suggestions or things they wanna see in future fics, feel free to comment or message me, idrc what you suggest.

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