Your Friends are Calling Your Name (CHP 31)

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When decisions are made and the timing's right. All this time that you wasted, while you're out here stalling, your friends are calling your name.

-TV Girl

"Eda? Is this seriously necessary?" Edric groaned, the staff held between his hands.

She had called an important meeting earlier that morning to gather all the staff owners down to the front of the Owl House, where a clearing stood.

"Absolutely! You young witchlets need some sort of basic training if you're gonna have staffs." She had the entire thing set up like some sort of a military camp, the three in a line as she yelled at them.

"...but we aren't witches." Hunter commented.

"Biologically? No! But with how long you leeches have been living off of me, you might as well be!"

"Mrs. Eda I don't think that's how it-" Willow began, quickly interrupted by the Owl Lady.

"It's how it works now! Now all of you- stop interrupting me or else you're gonna drop and give me ten!"

"You've been interrupting us all morning though!" Hunter whined.

However, as Eda shot a glare over at him, he groaned and quickly set his staff down, dropping to the floor and starting his ten push ups.

"Good kid. Now, to know how to control your magical abilities, ya gotta learn how to know these abilities... since none of you can perform traditional magic, we're skipping that part entirely! You get to just start with bonding with your palisman... Blondie here's already got a strong bond. but you two need to learn how to connect."

Willow and Edric glanced at each other but shrugged. They detransformed both of their staffs, each respective palisman going back to their insect forms.

Willow had always been a friendly, open person. No wonder it didn't take much time for to create a unwritten but understood language with her bee (who turned out to be named Clover).

Edric, however, had a bit more difficulty.

He didn't understand anything about the creature crawling all over his arm mindlessly, he only knew it was some magic demon realm creature.

"Having trouble with your bug, kid?" Eda appeared behind him, causing a momentary jump scare.

"Uhhh... Yeah, I guess I am. How the hell do I get it to start talking to me?" He turned to her, the butterfly crawling further up his arm, now onto his shoulder.

"You have to express your deepest wish! Only then will you be able to know your palisman... Or some cheesy prophecy like that. Lilly was always the historian, not me." She shrugged, backing away after her incredibly vague lesson

His deepest wish.

Edric didn't even know what his deepest wish was...

Yeah, he wanted to escape the grasp of his parents, but he did want to go home. He wanted to marry Hunter and be with him for the rest of their lives, but what did that really mean?

What did he truly want?

He sat in thought, the six legs of the butterfly crawling all over his body. He could not think of a single desire of his.

Snow  drifted down peacefully from the sky, creating a fine powder on the ground. Ed and  Em, at the prime age of nine, sat at the window of the top floor.

"Do you think Santa's gonna visit this year?" Ed asked his sister, peering down at the dust of snow.

"Maybe for Mittens, since she's younger... You know Mom and Dad think he's some sort of capitalist icon made to sell toys. That's why even when he does come, we only get clothes. And books." She responded, sitting against the wall.

Edric sat down next to her, hugging his knees to his chest.

In the end, it was only the Blight children.

Emira was the one who protected Edric from getting his eyeglasses shattered by playground bullies.

Edric was the one who allowed Emira to borrow pairs of pants when she didn't feel comfortable in the skirts her parents had purchased.

Odalia and Alador had always ensured their kids were financially stable, the emotional part entirely up to the poor kids to figure out... In the end, it was the Blight children against the world.

Both were aware no one was truly happy with the way their house lived, but they were alive. Or... in the least, they weren't dead.

"I want... to be able to take care of the people I love... Not just financially. I want to be able to take care of them emotionally too." He mumbled, almost to himself, just as the butterfly squeaked in response, a high-pitched trill.


That was his palisman's name.

He smiled softly, nodding along with whatever she had said. "Hey, Eda! I got my connection."

"Eh, I knew you could do it Blight boy... now that all of you have at least a decent bond with your palismen.. now for the fun part! Spells and flights!" She cast a spell circle, summoning in stacks of spell books. "...though, I have to go do something, so you guys get to read up on these old nasty things I stol- BORROWED from the local library!"

Eda waved, quickly taking off on her own staff.

"Is she leaving us alone to learn how to use magic? A couple of teen humans?" Hunter asked, her silhouette quickly becoming a distant shadow.

"I guess so. The Owl Lady never promised to actually help us out, did she?" Willow responded.

Ed shook his head and cautiously grabbed a book off the stack. He picked it up, examining the cover and back-side.

A classic spell book that seemed to contain pretty basic spells. He shrugged, humming slightly as he opened the book to a random page, skimming through it.

Hunter and Willow glanced at each other before quickly following his lead. However, the trio was NOT pleased with how difficult the spells were...

It took over three hours to master a very simple spell; the flight trick. Thankfully, all three young human witches were able to get it. Now they were able to fly wherever and whenever they wanted, really.

Though, they were still going to have to work extra hard to get any spells for personal pleasure or even perhaps a magical battle.

Hunter wiped his forehead with his forearm, sweating from the proximity of the Boiling Sea. Flapjack detransformed from his staff. tweeting as he landed on his shoulder. Hunter laughed, nuzzling closely to his bird palisman. 

Edric smiled. He was so lucky to have such a pretty boyfriend. Sunny turned into a staff as well, landing into his nest of green hair. The butterfly then proceeded to crawl around in tiny circles, stimulating herself with some level of activity.

Willow's Clover became a once live bee again, buzzing as she flew around her head, before as well landing on her shoulder and nuzzling in closely.

After a long day, everyone collapsed in their respected room. Willow in hers, Edric and Hunter interlaced with each other, Flapjack in an open wired bird cage, and Sunny in a small flowered window sill bed full of flowers Willow had personally planted.

However, Edric and Hunter were not done with their own magical adventures...

1129 words.

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